AS Number
AS Name
Org Name
Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd.






AS13030 Looking Glass






IPv6 NUMs(/64)


112,896 IPv4 Addresses
CIDR Description IP Num Init7 Holding AG 1024 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 2048 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 1024 hosttech GmbH 256 hosttech GmbH 256 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 2048 I7-INT-NET 8192 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 16384 Fiber7-NET 8192 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 2048 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 4096 I7-CPE-JELMOLI-WAN-NET 4096 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 8192 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 4096 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 4096 FIBER7-680MEY-NET 4096 KME-FIBER7-CH-NET 4096 KME-FIBER7-CH-NET 8192 FIBER7-680PPL-NET 4096 PDS Pathology Data Systems AG 256 Serwise AG 256 Merkle Switzerland AG 256 Xariffusion Informatik & Telecom, Xaver Aerni 256 goSecurity AG 512 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 8192 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 4096 Automatic Server AG 512 Automatic Server AG 512 Trifork Operations AG 256 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 1024 ABO-CUST-ABO 256 ABO-CUST-DACO 256 ENIDAN Technologies GmbH 1024 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 1024 UMB_SupportDMZ 256 Copysan Comunicationes S.L. 256 Daniel Baumann 256 andeo_qb25 256 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 1024 CH-ISI-1-20170619 512 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 1024 AT Provider AG 1024 Init7 (Germany) GmbH 1024 CH-BLUETEC-62-23 512 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 1024 Martin Kaufmann 256 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 256 Bitec Elektronic&Software GmbH 256 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 4096 Immo Bickel GmbH 512 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 8192 Valartis Group AG 256 FIBER7-790SEE-NET 4096 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 8192 LIIP-AG-NET 4096 INIT7NET 4096 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 8192 WOKO-MEIERWIESENSTRASSE-NET 4096 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 2048 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 1024
CIDR Description IP NUMs(prefix /64)
2001:67c:7ac::/48 Ingenieurbuero Eggimann 65536
2001:67c:924::/48 Trifork Operations AG 65536
2001:67c:2648::/48 Openfactory GmbH 65536
2001:1620::/32 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 4294967296
2a00:5640::/32 Init7 (Germany) GmbH 4294967296
2a00:5641::/32 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 4294967296
2a00:5642::/32 Init7 (Germany) GmbH 4294967296
2a00:5646::/32 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 4294967296
2a00:adc0:1a00::/40 NETCLOUD-LAB 16777216
2a00:f080::/42 Internet Services Inc 4194304
2a02:168::/32 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 4294967296
2a02:168::/30 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 17179869184
2a02:169::/32 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 4294967296
2a02:16a0::/32 Automatic Server AG 4294967296
2a03:7520::/32 ENIDAN Technologies GmbH 4294967296
2a07:600::/29 Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd. 34359738368
2a09:a7c4::/30 Bluetec Consulting GmbH 17179869184
2a0a:df80:25::/48 andeo6_qb25 65536
2a0b:5400:1::/48 CH-SWISSNODE-INIT7-1V6 65536
2a11:8b80::/32 hosttech GmbH 4294967296
2a13:182::/32 Gymnasium Kirchenfeld 4294967296
AS Description Country/Region IPv4 NUMs IPv6 NUMs IPv4 IPv6
AS6939 HURRICANE - Hurricane Electric LLC, US United States 520,704 282,631,699,169,280 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12552 IPO-EU - GlobalConnect AB, SE Sweden 568,576 274,878,758,912 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12637 SEEWEB - SEEWEB s.r.l., IT Italy 89,600 231,928,233,984 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13058 serve-u-AS - serve-u - Buchholz und Suenderhauf GbR, DE Germany 2,048 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2613 VAN_GULIK - Willem van Gulik, CH Switzerland 512 34,359,934,976 IPv4 IPv4
AS25091 IP-MAX - IP-Max SA, CH Switzerland 14,848 68,719,607,808 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6730 SUNRISE - Sunrise GmbH, CH Switzerland 2,123,776 287,796,822,016 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8708 RCS-RDS - DIGI ROMANIA S.A., RO Romania 1,917,184 73,014,444,032 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34927 iFog-GmbH - iFog GmbH, CH Switzerland 5,376 244,383,744 IPv6 IPv6
AS3320 DTAG - Deutsche Telekom AG, DE Germany 34,086,656 35,330,605,449,216 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS59689 CODE40-AS - CODE40 SAS, FR France 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS59890 Kabel-TV-Lampert - Kabel-TV Lampert GmbH & Co KG, AT Austria 13,312 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS64289 MACARNE - Macarne LLC, US United States 7,168 1,078,460,416 IPv4 IPv4
AS5413 AS5413 - Daisy Corporate Services Trading Ltd, GB United Kingdom 737,280 73,014,575,104 IPv4 IPv4
AS6667 EUNET-FINLAND - Elisa Oyj, FI Finland 2,816 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20912 ASN-PANSERVICE - Giuliano Claudio Peritore trading as "Panservice s.a.s. di Cuseo Fabrizio & C.", IT Italy 16,896 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS1299 TWELVE99 - Arelion Sweden AB, SE Sweden 227,328 77,326,712,832 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS18106 VIEWQWEST-SG-AP - Viewqwest Pte Ltd, SG Singapore 53,248 13,153,337,344 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS30844 LIQUID-AS - Liquid Telecommunications Ltd, GB United Kingdom 410,368 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS34224 NETERRA-AS - Neterra Ltd., BG Bulgaria 40,704 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS37271 Workonline - Workonline Communications(Pty) Ltd, ZA South Africa 9,216 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS42346 AS-TINEO - NorthC Schweiz AG, CH Switzerland 31,232 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS48971 DATAWIRE-AS - DATAWIRE AG, CH Switzerland 6,656 34,359,803,904 IPv4 IPv4
AS1764 NEXTLAYER-AS - Next Layer Telekommunikationsdienstleistungs- und Beratungs GmbH, AT Austria 86,784 274,878,234,624 IPv6 IPv6
AS513 CERN - CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research, CH Switzerland 354,816 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13237 LAMBDANET-AS - euNetworks GmbH, DE Germany 572,416 111,669,149,696 IPv4 IPv4
AS29680 VOZTELECOM - Gamma Operadora de Comunicaciones S.A., ES Spain 12,544 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35369 LINZAG-TELEKOM-AS - LINZ STROM GAS WAERME GmbH fuer Energiedienstleistungen und Telekommunikation, AT Austria 38,400 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS37100 SEACOM-AS - SEACOM Limited, MU Mauritius 1,072,896 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9009 M247 - M247 Europe SRL, RO Romania 1,297,920 266,368,909,568 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS37721 Virtual-Technologies-Solutions-SA - Virtual Technologies & Solutions, BF Burkina Faso 15,872 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49709 VIDEOBYTE - Videobyte S.r.l., IT Italy 2,048 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8426 CLARANET-AS - Claranet Limited, GB United Kingdom 987,136 219,043,725,312 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15412 FLAG-AS - FLAG TELECOM UK LIMITED, GB United Kingdom 43,264 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS15547 NETPLUS - SA, CH Switzerland 134,144 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS16347 INHERENT - ADISTA SAS, FR France 233,472 386,547,056,640 IPv4 IPv4
AS37468 ANGOLA-CABLES - Angola Cables, AO Angola 9,216 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS37662 WIOCC-AS - West Indian Ocean Cable Company, MU Mauritius 10,240 12,885,032,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47147 AS-ANX - ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH, AT Austria 1,536 196,608 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS1273 CW - Vodafone Group PLC, GB United Kingdom 1,824,512 8,796,093,022,208 IPv6 IPv6
AS3491 CONSOLE-CONNECT-ASN - PCCW Global, Inc., US United States 1,039,616 12,885,229,568 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS3399 OBE-NET - Obenetwork AB, SE Sweden 15,104 38,654,771,200 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS4637 ASN-TELSTRA-GLOBAL - Telstra International Limited, HK Hong Kong 466,432 17,179,869,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12779 ITGATE - IT.Gate S.p.A., IT Italy 45,824 42,949,804,032 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS30781 JAGUAR-AS - Free Pro SAS, FR France 97,024 133,144,051,712 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS51184 FONIRA - Fonira Telekom GmbH, AT Austria 12,800 111,669,739,520 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS7473 SINGTEL-AS-AP - Singapore Telecommunications (SINGTEL Internet Exchange), SG Singapore 65,280 4,295,229,440 IPv6 IPv6
AS3292 TDC - TDC Holding A/S, DK Denmark 5,306,368 47,244,771,328 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS1853 ACOnet, AT Austria 335,360 34,359,803,904 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2497 IIJ - Internet Initiative Japan Inc., JP Japan 3,796,480 17,716,871,168 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8529 OMANTEL-AS - Zain Omantel International FZ-LLC, AE United Arab Emirates 6,656 0 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8966 Etisalat-AS - EMIRATES TELECOMMUNICATIONS GROUP COMPANY (ETISALAT GROUP) PJSC, AE United Arab Emirates 16,384 4,295,294,976 IPv4 IPv4
AS15605 CONNESI - Connesi s.p.a., IT Italy 20,992 17,179,869,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20811 BRENNERCOM-AS - Retelit Digital Services S.p.A., IT Italy 69,632 103,079,215,104 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS24482 SGGS-AS-AP - SG.GS, SG Singapore 21,504 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS559 SWITCH, CH Switzerland 2,184,704 176,093,790,208 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49544 i3Dnet - B.V, NL Netherlands 94,464 354,874,032,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49605 DTS-AS - Digital Telecommunication Services S.r.l., IT Italy 9,472 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS58511 ANYCAST-GLOBAL-BACKBONE - Anycast Holdings Pty Ltd, AU Australia 23,552 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29075 IELO - IELO-LIAZO SERVICES SAS, FR France 43,264 107,374,182,400 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8218 NEO-ASN - Zayo Infrastructure France SA, FR France 47,360 12,884,967,424 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS48362 TKSWF-AS - Stadtwerke Feldkirch, AT Austria 7,680 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50877 AIRBEAM-AS - Airbeam S.r.l., IT Italy 6,144 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS56630 MELBICOM-EU-AS - Melbikomas UAB, LT Lithuania 47,360 7,247,757,312 IPv4 IPv4
AS1267 ASN-WINDTRE - WIND TRE S.P.A., IT Italy 6,567,936 2,233,382,993,920 IPv4 IPv4
AS35625 EUROFIBER-FRANCE - Eurofiber France SAS, FR France 28,672 103,095,992,320 IPv4 IPv4
AS39351 ESAB-AS - 31173 Services AB, SE Sweden 9,728 4,295,884,800 IPv4 IPv4
AS57463 NetIX - NetIX Communications JSC, BG Bulgaria 0 0 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS58299 OPENFACTORY-AS - Openfactory GmbH, CH Switzerland 2,816 12,885,032,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS3303 SWISSCOM - Swisscom (Schweiz) AG, CH Switzerland 3,565,568 165,692,637,184 IPv4 IPv4
AS20932 SIG-ST - Services Industriels de Geneve, CH Switzerland 9,472 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31510 IKB-AS - Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe AG, AT Austria 27,904 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS34019 HIVANE - Hivane Association, FR France 2,816 1,245,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS40994 Alwyzon - Hohl IT e.U., AT Austria 2,816 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47692 NESSUS - Nessus GmbH, AT Austria 35,584 34,359,869,440 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57111 ALTITUD - NOVA NETWORKS S.R.L., IT Italy 3,072 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS2914 NTT-LTD-2914 - NTT America, Inc., US United States 6,999,808 34,359,869,440 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS3741 IS - Dimension Data, ZA South Africa 2,608,896 137,439,084,544 IPv4 IPv4
AS9498 BBIL-AP - Bharti Airtel Limited, IN India 2,109,696 4,299,096,064 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12350 VTX-NETWORK - VTX Services SA, CH Switzerland 310,016 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4
AS20495 WEDARE - We Dare B.V., NL Netherlands 43,264 6,442,450,944 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS41327 FIBERTELECOM-AS - Fiber Telecom S.p.A., IT Italy 8,448 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS202032 GOLINE - GOLINE SA, CH Switzerland 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2603 NORDUNET, DK Denmark 9,984 34,359,738,368 IPv6 IPv6
AS2027 MilkyWan - MilkyWan Association, FR France 2,304 47,244,640,256 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12956 TELXIUS - TELEFONICA GLOBAL SOLUTIONS SL, ES Spain 102,656 12,884,901,888 IPv6 IPv6
AS6461 ZAYO-6461 - Zayo Bandwidth, US United States 1,675,008 18,255,118,336 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6775 FINK-TELECOM-SERVICES - Andreas Fink trading as Fink Telecom Services GmbH, CH Switzerland 10,496 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9304 HUTCHISON-AS-AP - HGC Global Communications Limited, HK Hong Kong 1,531,904 12,886,081,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35280 F5 - F5 Networks SARL, FR France 51,968 81,604,378,624 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35426 NEXTMAP - NXT Initiative SAS, FR France 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5392 TELNET-ITALY - TELNET S.r.l., IT Italy 16,384 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS Description Country/Region IPv4 NUMs IPv6 NUMs IPv4 IPv6
AS34171 SNAFU-LIG-AS - snafu Gesellschaft fuer interaktive Netzwerke mbH, DE Germany 24,576 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35369 LINZAG-TELEKOM-AS - LINZ STROM GAS WAERME GmbH fuer Energiedienstleistungen und Telekommunikation, AT Austria 38,400 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS38182 EXTREMEBB-AS-MY - Extreme Broadband, MY Malaysia 35,840 134,217,728 IPv4 IPv4
AS42346 AS-TINEO - NorthC Schweiz AG, CH Switzerland 31,232 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS30132 ISC-F-AS - Internet Systems Consortium, Inc., US United States 1,024 131,072 IPv6 IPv6
AS8319 NETHINKS-AS - NETHINKS GmbH, DE Germany 109,312 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8554 ATSAT - TAS France SAS, FR France 19,200 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12779 ITGATE - IT.Gate S.p.A., IT Italy 45,824 42,949,804,032 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS21099 GAMEGROUP-UK-AS - Game Retail Ltd, GB United Kingdom 12,288 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS50823 PBXHOSTING - PBX Hosting Ltd, GB United Kingdom 1,792 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS139901 APPLE1-AS-AP - Apple Communication Ltd., BD Bangladesh 2,048 8,590,000,128 IPv4 IPv4
AS206483 REDMATTER - Red Matter Limited, GB United Kingdom 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS8218 NEO-ASN - Zayo Infrastructure France SA, FR France 47,360 12,884,967,424 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8220 COLT - COLT Technology Services Group Limited, GB United Kingdom 1,362,944 25,770,721,280 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8932 UCOMINT - Ucom CJSC, AM Armenia 3,072 131,072 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS214770 RGN - RGN Holding Ltd., GB United Kingdom 256 2,228,224 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS41913 COMPUTERLINE - Computerline GmbH, CH Switzerland 9,984 4,295,229,440 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS44765 MAKENEWMEDIA-AS - MakeNewMedia Communications GmbH, AT Austria 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS61323 UKFAST - ANS ACADEMY LIMITED, GB United Kingdom 80,128 38,654,967,808 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29838 AMC - Atlantic Metro Communications II, Inc., US United States 136,704 9,126,805,504 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34966 RalfBender-AS - Ralf Bender, DE Germany 1,792 17,179,869,184 IPv4 IPv4
AS36236 NETACTUATE - NetActuate, Inc, US United States 58,112 2,452,619,264 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31662 KNSurselva - connecta ag, CH Switzerland 15,616 73,014,509,568 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39212 andeo - Andeo AG, CH Switzerland 512 131,072 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39737 Prime-Telecom-AS - Prime Telecom srl, RO Romania 52,736 262,144 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS42652 DELUNET - inexio Informationstechnologie und Telekommunikation Gmbh, DE Germany 108,544 12,885,229,568 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS199533 AS_VADIAN - Vadian.Net AG, CH Switzerland 256 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS1547 IDK-Network - INTERDNESTRKOM, Sovmestnoe Zakrytoe Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo, MD Moldova 62,464 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8823 AutonomousSystemRockensteinAG - Rockenstein AG, DE Germany 50,688 214,748,364,800 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31078 NETWORKTOWN-AS - Alexej Senderkin, DE Germany 7,168 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS30781 JAGUAR-AS - Free Pro SAS, FR France 97,024 133,144,051,712 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS42500 FOOBAR-AS - foobar LLC, CH Switzerland 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS60901 ch-1swiss1 - 1SWISS1 SA, CH Switzerland 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS62240 Clouvider - Clouvider Limited, GB United Kingdom 397,312 294,222,299,136 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS199003 INETWORX-AS - iNetWorx AG, CH Switzerland 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS1820 WNET - WNET TELECOM USA Corp., US United States 51,456 38,923,141,120 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25375 LEU-AS - LeuPuls AG, CH Switzerland 14,848 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29231 GRUPALIA-AS - Grupalia Internet S.A., ES Spain 8,192 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS29467 LuxNetwork - LUXNETWORK S.A., LU Luxembourg 11,008 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29611 ELITE-AS - Elite Limited, GB United Kingdom 14,336 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35266 EXN-AS - EX Networks Limited, GB United Kingdom 7,168 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS48885 NEOCARRIER - Neocarrier Communications Sarl, CH Switzerland 11,264 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12883 UCOMLINE - PRIVATE JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "FARLEP-INVEST", UA Ukraine 34,816 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20988 MTF-CLOUD - MTF Solutions AG, CH Switzerland 5,120 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25151 CYSO-AS - Cyso Group B.V., NL Netherlands 15,616 38,654,836,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12876 AS12876 - SCALEWAY S.A.S., FR France 475,136 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS37468 ANGOLA-CABLES - Angola Cables, AO Angola 9,216 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS41230 ASK4 - ASK4 Limited, GB United Kingdom 88,320 240,518,168,576 IPv4 IPv4
AS42760 ABACUS - Abacus Research AG, CH Switzerland 4,096 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS58299 OPENFACTORY-AS - Openfactory GmbH, CH Switzerland 2,816 12,885,032,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2857 RLP-NET - Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz, DE Germany 332,800 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS4651 THAI-GATEWAY - CAT Telecom Public Company Limited, TH Thailand 8,704 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8767 MNET-AS - M-net Telekommunikations GmbH, DE Germany 521,472 73,015,164,928 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS61337 ECOM-AS - Electronic Communities Ltd, GB United Kingdom 4,864 131,072 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35320 ETT-AS - Eurotranstelecom Ltd, UA Ukraine 12,800 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS42831 UKSERVERS-AS - UK Dedicated Servers Limited, GB United Kingdom 123,648 42,966,646,784 IPv4 IPv4
AS49709 VIDEOBYTE - Videobyte S.r.l., IT Italy 2,048 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS210983 DIGRIS - Digris AG, CH Switzerland 256 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12605 LIWEST-AT - LIWEST Kabelmedien GmbH, AT Austria 189,440 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15826 NFRANCE - NFrance Conseil, FR France 5,120 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS28725 CETIN-AS - CETIN a.s., CZ Czech 133,888 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS21396 NETCONNEX - NetConnex Broadband Ltd., GB United Kingdom 18,944 111,669,149,696 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS38880 M21-AS-AP - Micron21 Datacentre Pty Ltd, AU Australia 30,976 4,295,163,904 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS58511 ANYCAST-GLOBAL-BACKBONE - Anycast Holdings Pty Ltd, AU Australia 23,552 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS3741 IS - Dimension Data, ZA South Africa 2,608,896 137,439,084,544 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS21190 Alpiq-AS21190 - Alpiq AG, CH Switzerland 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS24585 CH-Swisslife - Swiss Life AG, CH Switzerland 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS24875 NOVOSERVE-AS - NovoServe B.V., NL Netherlands 16,384 103,079,477,248 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29438 MOMAX-AS - Momax Network S.r.l., IT Italy 8,704 2,147,483,648 IPv4 IPv4
AS43996 Booking-BV - BV, NL Netherlands 3,584 268,697,600 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS56704 FARICE-AS - Farice ehf, IS Iceland 4,096 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS59414 CLOUDSCALE - AG, CH Switzerland 7,936 25,769,803,776 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS4637 ASN-TELSTRA-GLOBAL - Telstra International Limited, HK Hong Kong 466,432 17,179,869,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8717 A1BG - A1 Bulgaria EAD, BG Bulgaria 976,640 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13445 13445 - Cisco Webex LLC, US United States 332,800 4,451,270,656 IPv4 IPv4
AS13250 BACKBONE-CH - Backbone Solutions AG, CH Switzerland 8,192 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15133 EDGECAST - Edgecast Inc., US United States 103,680 22,020,096 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25091 IP-MAX - IP-Max SA, CH Switzerland 14,848 68,719,607,808 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS1103 SURFNET-NL - SURF B.V., NL Netherlands 7,138,048 34,359,869,440 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5505 VADAVO - VADAVO SOLUCIONES SL, ES Spain 2,048 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6507 RIOT-NA1 - Riot Games, Inc, US United States 22,272 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS37662 WIOCC-AS - West Indian Ocean Cable Company, MU Mauritius 10,240 12,885,032,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS714 APPLE-ENGINEERING - Apple Inc., US United States 17,990,144 17,179,869,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2860 NOS_COMUNICACOES - NOS COMUNICACOES, S.A., PT Portugal 1,746,944 103,079,215,104 IPv4 IPv4
AS5403 AS5403 - APA-IT Informations Technologie G.m.b.H, AT Austria 85,248 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47836 WEBSOFT-AS - SC Web Software Development SRL, RO Romania 1,280 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5405 INTERDOTLINK - GmbH, DE Germany 1,280 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS21320 GEANT_IAS_VRF - GEANT Vereniging, NL Netherlands 2,048 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS24429 Taobao - Zhejiang Taobao Network Co.,Ltd, CN China 64,000 8,716,288 IPv4 IPv4
AS39202 GCAP-AS - Global Radio Limited, GB United Kingdom 4,096 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS43735 GENEDATA - Genedata AG, CH Switzerland 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS47176 GASCOMCH - GAS&COM AG, CH Switzerland 7,424 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47447 TTM - 23M GmbH, DE Germany 38,400 111,686,451,200 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS59816 SAFEHOSTS - Safe Hosts Internet LLP, GB United Kingdom 6,656 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15412 FLAG-AS - FLAG TELECOM UK LIMITED, GB United Kingdom 43,264 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS20634 TELECOM-LI - Telecom Liechtenstein AG, LI Liechtenstein 24,064 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS20857 TRANSIP-AS - Signet B.V., NL Netherlands 154,112 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS205975 connect-fibre - Fibre Assets Ltd, GB United Kingdom 8,704 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12902 LUNA - B.V., NL Netherlands 10,240 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS29691 NINE - Nine Internet Solutions AG, CH Switzerland 29,184 38,654,771,200 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47147 AS-ANX - ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH, AT Austria 1,536 196,608 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS33353 SBS - Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC, US United States 37,632 15,035,203,584 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49685 Signet-AS - Signet B.V., NL Netherlands 2,816 4,296,802,304 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8298 IPNG - IPng Networks GmbH, CH Switzerland 512 34,359,803,904 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9031 EDPNET - EDPNET Belgium BV, BE Belgium 94,208 1,946,157,056 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12897 ENTEGAMEDIANET - ENTEGA Medianet GmbH, DE Germany 143,104 8,590,065,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS132203 TENCENT-NET-AP-CN - Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited, CN China 1,810,944 1,091,305,472 IPv4 IPv4
AS215217 AS_VADIAN2 - Vadian.Net AG, CH Switzerland 768 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35699 ADAMOEU-AS - Adamo Telecom Iberia S.A., ES Spain 137,216 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35717 WEBEDIA-AS - WEBEDIA SA, FR France 5,888 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS48263 SBB-CDC - Schweizerische Bundesbahnen SBB, CH Switzerland 256 16,777,216 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS44066 DE-FIRSTCOLO - firstcolo GmbH, DE Germany 156,928 98,784,313,344 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS64096 BIH-Global - INTERNET HARBOR INTERNATIONAL CO.,LIMITED, HK Hong Kong 7,168 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12956 TELXIUS - TELEFONICA GLOBAL SOLUTIONS SL, ES Spain 102,656 12,884,901,888 IPv6 IPv6
AS5392 TELNET-ITALY - TELNET S.r.l., IT Italy 16,384 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS14537 CL-1379-14537 - Continent 8 LLC, US United States 62,976 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39545 FLUIDATA - Fluidone Ltd., GB United Kingdom 47,360 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS51531 DECIX-MGMT-AS - DE-CIX Management GmbH, DE Germany 6,912 3,758,161,920 IPv4 IPv4
AS19679 DROPBOX - Dropbox, Inc., US United States 74,752 16,777,216 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35518 SASAG - sasag Kabelkommunikation AG, CH Switzerland 40,960 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS43350 NFORCE - NForce Entertainment B.V., NL Netherlands 62,976 75,162,714,112 IPv4 IPv4
AS1764 NEXTLAYER-AS - Next Layer Telekommunikationsdienstleistungs- und Beratungs GmbH, AT Austria 86,784 274,878,234,624 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13237 LAMBDANET-AS - euNetworks GmbH, DE Germany 572,416 111,669,149,696 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15802 DU-AS1 - Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company PJSC, AE United Arab Emirates 1,158,912 30,064,771,072 IPv4 IPv4
AS21859 ZEN-ECN - Zenlayer Inc, US United States 659,968 17,387,225,088 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS202932 QUANZA-CONNECT - Quanza B.V., NL Netherlands 3,072 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS211452 KANTONAR - Kanton Appenzell Ausserrhoden, CH Switzerland 512 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2027 MilkyWan - MilkyWan Association, FR France 2,304 47,244,640,256 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5390 EuroNet - Euronet Communications B.V., NL Netherlands 139,264 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS41692 OPENCARRIER-AS - OpenCarrier eG, DE Germany 1,024 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6834 AS6834 - KMD A/S, DK Denmark 90,624 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15169 GOOGLE - Google LLC, US United States 9,276,928 98,801,090,560 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29608 WAN2MANY-AS - OVEA SAS, FR France 15,872 107,374,247,936 IPv4 IPv4
AS49983 MIRONET-AS - MiroNet AG, CH Switzerland 3,328 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS61423 JMP-AS - JMP Technology Services GmbH, CH Switzerland 2,048 1,507,328 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2484 NIC-FR-DNS-ANYCAST-AFNIC - AFNIC (Association Francaise pour le Nommage Internet en Cooperation), FR France 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5631 LUMINET - Telcom Networks Limited, GB United Kingdom 26,880 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4
AS6774 ASN-BICS - Belgacom International Carrier Services SA, BE Belgium 20,256 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS202261 NetDEF-CH - Network Device Education Foundation Inc, US United States 768 196,608 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS203462 asnovaconn - NOVACONN SRL, IT Italy 2,816 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS203936 AS-MISMENET - IBERWIX TELECOM S.L., ES Spain 9,472 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12337 NORIS-NETWORK - noris network AG, DE Germany 109,056 4,328,783,872 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12360 KTK - KEVAG Telekom GmbH, DE Germany 59,904 42,949,804,032 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15796 SALT-CH - Salt Mobile SA, CH Switzerland 98,304 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS23576 nhn-AS-KR - NAVER Cloud Corp., KR Republic of Korea 143,872 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS1120 ACOnet_Services - ACONET, AT Austria 528 131,072 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS1853 ACOnet, AT Austria 335,360 34,359,803,904 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8551 BEZEQ-INTERNATIONAL-AS - Bezeq International Ltd., IL Israel 1,498,880 171,798,757,376 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS36692 CISCO-UMBRELLA - Cisco OpenDNS, LLC, US United States 139,008 5,439,488 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS44573 LAYERONE-AS - Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd., CH Switzerland 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS48635 CLDIN-NL - CLDIN B.V., NL Netherlands 80,384 326,719,766,528 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50304 BLIX - Blix Solutions AS, NO Norway 41,472 249,124,945,920 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS211861 NETWOLK-AS - netwolk GmbH, CH Switzerland 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS24679 SSERV-AS - kyberio GmbH, DE Germany 63,744 38,654,771,200 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34772 NEOTEL-AS-MK - NEOTEL DOO export-import Skopje, MK Macedonia 63,488 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34790 AS34790 - TFM NETWORKS LIMITED, GB United Kingdom 14,848 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35665 Netensia - Netensia SARL, FR France 6,912 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57344 TELEHOUSE-AS - Telehouse EAD, BG Bulgaria 24,320 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS3327 CITIC - CITIC Telecom CPC Netherlands B.V., NL Netherlands 79,104 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS16004 MIXITA-AS - MIX S.r.L. - Milan Internet eXchange, IT Italy 2,048 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS31042 SERBIA-BROADBAND-AS - Serbia BroadBand-Srpske Kablovske mreze d.o.o., RS Serbia 514,048 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS37271 Workonline - Workonline Communications(Pty) Ltd, ZA South Africa 9,216 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39351 ESAB-AS - 31173 Services AB, SE Sweden 9,728 4,295,884,800 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS198968 CYBERNETICOS - Cyberneticos Hosting SL, ES Spain 1,792 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS12731 IPHH - IPHH Internet Port Hamburg GmbH, DE Germany 19,968 38,721,880,064 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS16276 OVH - OVH SAS, FR France 4,385,536 17,179,869,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29686 PROBENETWORKS-AS - Jonas Frey trading as Probe Networks, DE Germany 35,840 42,949,804,032 IPv4 IPv4
AS57119 NAITWAYS-AS - NAITWAYS SAS, FR France 6,144 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS59689 CODE40-AS - CODE40 SAS, FR France 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS205806 Stadtwerke-Neustrelitz - Stadtwerke Neustrelitz GmbH, DE Germany 27,648 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS6667 EUNET-FINLAND - Elisa Oyj, FI Finland 2,816 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20893 SYSTEM-CLINCH-AS - SYSTEM-CLINCH, CH Switzerland 4,096 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS56630 MELBICOM-EU-AS - Melbikomas UAB, LT Lithuania 47,360 7,247,757,312 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8966 Etisalat-AS - EMIRATES TELECOMMUNICATIONS GROUP COMPANY (ETISALAT GROUP) PJSC, AE United Arab Emirates 16,384 4,295,294,976 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47506 NEXANET - Nexanet AG, CH Switzerland 3,072 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12703 PULSANT-AS - Pulsant (Scotland) Ltd, GB United Kingdom 169,984 30,064,836,608 IPv6 IPv6
AS680 DFN - Verein zur Foerderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e.V., DE Germany 7,780,608 240,518,234,112 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5539 SPACENET - SpaceNet AG, DE Germany 111,872 10,737,549,312 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8368 BENESOL-BACKBONE - Destiny N.V, BE Belgium 143,104 206,158,430,208 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31477 DUOCAST-AS - Duocast B.V., NL Netherlands 30,976 73,015,820,288 IPv4 IPv4
AS31727 NODE4-AS - Node4 Limited, GB United Kingdom 59,648 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4
AS40934 FORTINET - Fortinet Inc., US United States 47,872 393,216 IPv4 IPv4
AS58273 B4RN-AS - Broadband for the Rural North Limited., GB United Kingdom 23,040 38,655,229,952 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS198385 AlpineDC - AlpineDC SA, CH Switzerland 7,168 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9119 SOFTNET-AS - SOFTNET d.o.o., SI Slovenia 99,840 154,618,822,656 IPv4 IPv4
AS13122 MANX-AS - Manx Telecom Trading Ltd, IM Isle of Man 47,872 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20546 SOPRADO-ANY - SOPRADO GmbH, DE Germany 16,384 73,016,541,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25577 C4L-AS - CloudCoCo Connect Limited, GB United Kingdom 68,352 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4
AS29668 QUBE - vXtream Ltd, GB United Kingdom 12,544 33,619,968 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS33891 CORE-BACKBONE - Core-Backbone GmbH, DE Germany 0 0 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34224 NETERRA-AS - Neterra Ltd., BG Bulgaria 40,704 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS43142 AdeliNovius - ADELI SAS, FR France 5,120 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS42 WOODYNET-1 - WoodyNet, Inc., US United States 58,112 12,976,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS14340 SALESFORCE -, Inc., US United States 908,288 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS54113 FASTLY - Fastly, Inc., US United States 356,096 7,115,309,056 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS201590 SOCAR - SOCAR Energy Holdings AG, CH Switzerland 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS41103 CLEARIP-AS - teleBIZZ Ltd, GB United Kingdom 1,280 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS199118 HPLS-AS - Heinlein-Support GmbH, DE Germany 3,840 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS200925 KRIOS - Silicom SA, CH Switzerland 2,048 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8075 MICROSOFT-CORP-MSN-AS-BLOCK - Microsoft Corporation, US United States 65,663,744 601,568,641,024 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12387 TON - TON Total optical Networks AG, CH Switzerland 8,192 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29169 GANDI-AS - GANDI SAS, FR France 31,744 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20783 POP - pop-interactive GmbH, DE Germany 32,768 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31529 DENIC-ANYCAST-AS - DENIC eG, DE Germany 1,280 1,441,792 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS3255 UARNET-AS - State Enterprise Scientific and Telecommunication Centre "Ukrainian Academic and Research Network" of the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (UARNet), UA Ukraine 91,904 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS9136 WOBCOM - Wobcom GmbH, DE Germany 31,488 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12329 TMR - GLASFASER RUHR GmbH & Co. KG, DE Germany 18,688 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13046 ASN-ISKON - Hrvatski Telekom d.d., HR Croatia 139,520 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS29006 POBOX-AS - Acora Limited, GB United Kingdom 8,192 268,435,456 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS60350 VP - VENTE-PRIVEE.COM SA, FR France 5,376 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS198792 DSTORAGE - DSTORAGE s.a.s., FR France 2,048 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS209346 UMB-AG - UMB AG, CH Switzerland 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS6461 ZAYO-6461 - Zayo Bandwidth, US United States 1,675,008 18,255,118,336 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6677 ICENET-AS1 - Mila hf, IS Iceland 139,520 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6730 SUNRISE - Sunrise GmbH, CH Switzerland 2,123,776 287,796,822,016 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS7713 telkomnet-as-ap - Telekomunikasi Indonesia (PT), ID Indonesia 4,245,504 17,180,000,256 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57111 ALTITUD - NOVA NETWORKS S.R.L., IT Italy 3,072 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS202032 GOLINE - GOLINE SA, CH Switzerland 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57976 BLIZZARD - Blizzard Entertainment, Inc, US United States 62,208 4,295,360,512 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS202766 as-codinet - LYNTIA NETWORKS S.A., ES Spain 26,880 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4
AS205668 GREENMINIHOST - Green Mini host BV, NL Netherlands 4,096 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2603 NORDUNET, DK Denmark 9,984 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9153 BURSTFIRE-EU - Burstfire Networks Ltd, GB United Kingdom 25,600 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34549 MEER-AS - meerfarbig GmbH & Co. KG, DE Germany 60,928 347,892,416,512 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39671 AS-STONEHAGEFLEMING - Stonehage Fleming SA, CH Switzerland 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS199181 Orakom - Orakom S.r.l., IT Italy 13,568 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS200759 FLOW - Flow Swiss AG, CH Switzerland 2,816 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS6661 EPT-LU - POST Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg 220,160 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6696 VERIXI - VERIXI SA, BE Belgium 83,456 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8544 NSP-INTL - Primetel PLC, CY Cyprus 89,088 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35625 EUROFIBER-FRANCE - Eurofiber France SAS, FR France 28,672 103,095,992,320 IPv4 IPv4
AS58291 ColoCenter - ColoCenter b.v., NL Netherlands 7,168 42,949,738,496 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS62000 NETRIX-AS - SERVERD SAS, FR France 5,888 85,899,345,920 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS62955 EBAYMTBB - eBay, Inc, US United States 10,240 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13768 COGECO-PEER1 - Aptum Technologies, CA Canada 669,952 537,133,056 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15703 TrueServer-AS - True B.V., NL Netherlands 102,400 8,590,000,128 IPv4 IPv4
AS20640 TITAN-NETWORKS - Titan Networks Internet & Telecommunications Service Providing GmbH, DE Germany 8,192 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS24864 R-IT-AS - Raiffeisen Informatik GmbH & Co KG, AT Austria 8,704 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29545 IPLACE - iPlace Internet & Network Services GmbH, AT Austria 7,936 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS59891 FSIT - FSIT AG, CH Switzerland 2,048 68,719,542,272 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS201789 NETOPS - NETOPS B.V., NL Netherlands 1,024 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12306 PLUSLINE - Plus.line AG, DE Germany 41,472 38,939,918,336 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13058 serve-u-AS - serve-u - Buchholz und Suenderhauf GbR, DE Germany 2,048 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS16242 AS-NEXTRA - Gluecklich GmbH, CH Switzerland 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS28917 Fiord-AS - Fiord Networks, UAB, LT Lithuania 39,680 103,079,280,640 IPv4 IPv4
AS48200 OPTEAMAX-AS - Opteamax GmbH, DE Germany 2,560 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS199610 MARBIS - marbis GmbH, DE Germany 68,352 8,992,653,312 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS206484 ORIENTEDNET - GmbH, CH Switzerland 1,792 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS14593 SPACEX-STARLINK - Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, US United States 301,824 6,263,472,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34655 DOCLER-AS - JWE S.a r.l., LU Luxembourg 8,448 393,216 IPv4 IPv4
AS35710 WEBERCLOUD - GmbH, DE Germany 3,328 103,079,215,104 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20562 OPEN-PEERING-AS - Broadband Hosting B.V., NL Netherlands 0 0 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS28760 INFOTECH-AT-AS - Infotech EDV-Systeme GmbH, AT Austria 17,408 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS31133 MF-MGSM-AS - PJSC MegaFon, RU Russian Federation 785,664 671,744,000 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31449 AS31449 - BELCENTER SA, BE Belgium 5,120 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS39572 ADVANCEDHOSTERS-AS - DataWeb Global Group B.V., NL Netherlands 60,416 25,769,803,776 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS44788 ASN-CRITEO-EUROPE - Criteo Technology SAS, FR France 1,536 1,048,576 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47927 WIFIWEB - WIFIWEB s.r.l., IT Italy 9,216 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS9009 M247 - M247 Europe SRL, RO Romania 1,297,920 266,368,909,568 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13054 FREINET - badenIT GmbH, DE Germany 11,264 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS25182 PUBLIEKE-OMROEP-AS - Stichting Nederlandse Publieke Omroep, NL Netherlands 65,536 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS59432 GINERNET - GINERNET S.L., ES Spain 6,656 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS202425 INT-NETWORK - IP Volume inc, SC Seychelles 14,592 2,147,483,648 IPv6 IPv6
AS16082 SPITFIRE - Spitfire Network Services Limited, GB United Kingdom 79,872 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35297 DATALINE-AS - Dataline LLC, UA Ukraine 14,080 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS37721 Virtual-Technologies-Solutions-SA - Virtual Technologies & Solutions, BF Burkina Faso 15,872 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS45352 IPSERVERONE-AS-AP - IP ServerOne Solutions Sdn Bhd, MY Malaysia 40,448 4,027,580,416 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS1299 TWELVE99 - Arelion Sweden AB, SE Sweden 227,328 77,326,712,832 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8607 TIMICO - Digital Space Group Limited, GB United Kingdom 216,832 47,244,640,256 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12576 EE - EE Limited, GB United Kingdom 3,564,032 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS60804 SWISS-NETWORK - Swiss Network SA, CH Switzerland 2,048 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS197689 OVD-KINEGRAM - OVD Kinegram AG, CH Switzerland 2,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS32934 FACEBOOK - Facebook, Inc., US United States 441,088 4,311,744,512 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35574 IGT-Lottery - IGT LOTTERY S.P.A., IT Italy 6,144 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS48918 GLOBALWAYS - Globalways GmbH, DE Germany 55,296 77,309,542,400 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39614 DAWICO - Dawico Deutschland GmbH, DE Germany 2,048 51,539,607,552 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS44238 METEONEWS-AS - MeteoNews AG, CH Switzerland 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS204631 VIVANET-AS - VIVANET GmbH, CH Switzerland 2,304 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS3320 DTAG - Deutsche Telekom AG, DE Germany 34,086,656 35,330,605,449,216 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6908 DATAHOP - Six Degrees Technology Group Limited, GB United Kingdom 105,472 85,899,411,456 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15704 AS15704 - XTRA TELECOM S.A., ES Spain 770,304 44,828,721,152 IPv4 IPv4
AS16347 INHERENT - ADISTA SAS, FR France 233,472 386,547,056,640 IPv4 IPv4
AS61076 vinivia - Vinivia AG in Liquidation, CH Switzerland 1,280 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2906 AS-SSI - Netflix Streaming Services Inc., US United States 161,792 12,886,016,000 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9137 ASN-UNO - Uno Communications SpA, IT Italy 10,240 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12578 APOLLO-AS - SIA Tet, LV Latvia 499,968 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29076 CITYTELECOM-AS - Citytelecom LLC, RU Russian Federation 47,872 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35426 NEXTMAP - NXT Initiative SAS, FR France 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS56665 TANGO-TELINDUS - Proximus Luxembourg S.A., LU Luxembourg 44,800 34,628,370,432 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS207594 CONNECTIVIA - Connectivia S.r.l, IT Italy 10,240 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5503 RMIFL - RM Education Ltd, GB United Kingdom 145,408 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS15699 AS_ADAM - Adam EcoTech, S.A, ES Spain 27,648 47,245,688,832 IPv4 IPv4
AS20712 AS20712 - Andrews & Arnold Ltd, GB United Kingdom 141,312 4,295,557,120 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20932 SIG-ST - Services Industriels de Geneve, CH Switzerland 9,472 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20940 AKAMAI-ASN1 - Akamai International B.V., NL Netherlands 13,909,248 1,138,167,317,760 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS21232 GGAMAUR - Genossenschaft GGA Maur, CH Switzerland 62,720 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS24889 MONZOON-AS - Monzoon Networks AG, CH Switzerland 13,312 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS396998 PATH-NETWORK - Path Network, Inc., US United States 8,704 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS786 JANET - Jisc Services Limited, GB United Kingdom 7,237,632 111,803,498,496 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5606 GTS-BACKBONE - GTS Telecom SRL, RO Romania 92,160 42,949,738,496 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8881 VERSATEL - 1&1 Versatel Deutschland GmbH, DE Germany 1,471,744 163,477,651,456 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34953 RELAIX - RelAix Networks GmbH, DE Germany 30,208 25,770,000,384 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57910 SCIP-AS - Soluciones Corporativas IP, SL, ES Spain 26,624 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8708 RCS-RDS - DIGI ROMANIA S.A., RO Romania 1,917,184 73,014,444,032 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15954 Tecnocratica - Tecnocratica Centro de Datos, S.L., ES Spain 14,848 17,179,869,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29097 HOSTPOINT-AS - Hostpoint AG, CH Switzerland 6,144 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35223 HOI-AS - Hoi Internet AG, LI Liechtenstein 9,216 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS62512 SANDWICH-NET - Sandwich Internet Corp., CA Canada 1,024 268,435,456 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12676 NCORE-AS - HKN GmbH, DE Germany 60,416 2,181,169,152 IPv4 IPv4
AS12678 BADOO-U - Greysom Limited, CY Cyprus 5,888 33,554,432 IPv4 IPv4
AS16509 AMAZON-02 -, Inc., US United States 49,268,224 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47195 GAMEFORGE-AS - Gameforge 4D GmbH, DE Germany 5,376 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8763 DENIC-AS - DENIC eG, DE Germany 4,096 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39120 CONVERGENZE-AS - Convergenze S.p.A., IT Italy 43,520 17,179,869,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS40994 Alwyzon - Hohl IT e.U., AT Austria 2,816 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS59605 ZAINGP-AS - Zain Omantel International FZ-LLC, AE United Arab Emirates 6,400 458,752 IPv4 IPv4
AS5409 TPL-ASN - toplink GmbH, DE Germany 25,600 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS10282 DIALIP-PR - GLOBAL ONE, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS15623 CYBERLINK - Cyberlink AG, CH Switzerland 105,472 111,669,215,232 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS42612 DINAHOSTING-AS - DinaHosting S.L., ES Spain 19,456 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS42929 ARTEFACT - Artefact SARL, FR France 4,608 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS59622 TVFACTORY-AS - tv factory AG, CH Switzerland 2,560 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS61955 ColocationIX-AS - ColocationIX GmbH, DE Germany 1,792 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS63949 AKAMAI-LINODE-AP - Akamai Technologies, Inc., SG Singapore 1,017,600 137,626,320,896 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS1200 AMS-IX1 - Amsterdam Internet Exchange B.V., NL Netherlands 3,072 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9022 TWL-KOM-AS - TWL-Kom GmbH, DE Germany 23,296 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS30935 DATATRANS-CH-AS - Datatrans AG, CH Switzerland 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS12654 RIPE-NCC-RIS-AS - Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC), NL Netherlands 5,776 3,997,952 IPv6 IPv6
AS35575 VAIONI - Vaioni Group Ltd, GB United Kingdom 44,288 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS51184 FONIRA - Fonira Telekom GmbH, AT Austria 12,800 111,669,739,520 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS197000 RIPE-NCC-AUTHDNS-AS - Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC), NL Netherlands 512 1,114,112 IPv4 IPv4
AS199226 Cablemel-AS - Cablemel S.L., ES Spain 8,192 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS16316 TMT - TMT GmbH & Co. KG, DE Germany 20,480 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25164 Flughafen-Zuerich - Flughafen Zurich AG, CH Switzerland 2,560 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS33965 LITECOM - LITECOM AG, CH Switzerland 18,944 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25152 K-ROOT-SERVER - Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC), NL Netherlands 512 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29056 CITYCOM-AS - Citycom Telekommunikation GmbH, AT Austria 33,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS15830 Equinix - Equinix (EMEA) Acquisition Enterprises B.V., NL Netherlands 1,205,504 358,832,275,456 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS36459 GITHUB - GitHub, Inc., US United States 9,216 34,360,786,944 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS41887 PROLOCATION - Prolocation B.V., NL Netherlands 18,432 73,014,575,104 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS48461 Stepping-Stone - stepping stone AG, CH Switzerland 3,840 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS56655 GIGAHOST - Gigahost AS, NO Norway 5,888 17,448,304,640 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS1140 SIDN - Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland, NL Netherlands 3,328 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13287 NIXVAL - FALBOX S.L. trading as NIXVAL, ES Spain 15,104 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS208731 RULEMATCH - RULEMATCH AG, CH Switzerland 768 327,680 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5603 SIOL-NET - Telekom Slovenije, d.d., SI Slovenia 784,896 68,719,542,272 IPv6 IPv6
AS24724 ATMAN-Foreign-AS - Atman Sp. z o.o., PL Poland 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29424 bsa - Briod SA, CH Switzerland 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS199811 wifx - Wifx SA, CH Switzerland 5,120 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39912 i3B-AS - GmbH, AT Austria 50,176 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49808 POWERSPEED-AS - Energie AG Oberoesterreich Services und Digital Solutions GmbH, AT Austria 48,384 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS207143 hosttech-AS - hosttech GmbH, CH Switzerland 7,936 8,590,065,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS8879 DTS-Systeme - DTS Systeme GmbH, DE Germany 32,768 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15955 SUPRANET - SupraNet AG, LI Liechtenstein 9,216 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS31708 COREIX-UK-AS - Coreix Ltd, GB United Kingdom 39,936 77,309,411,328 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS21360 Empirion - Empirion Telekommunikations Services GmbH, AT Austria 4,096 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS5398 AS5398 - AS5398 SA, CH Switzerland 19,712 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13132 CYBERWAYS-AS - cyberways Informationsdienste GmbH, DE Germany 12,800 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13414 TWITTER - Twitter Inc., US United States 42,240 805,306,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS21413 ENVIA-TEL-AS - Envia Tel GmbH, DE Germany 91,392 38,654,771,200 IPv4 IPv4
AS49820 Pictura-net - Pictura Imaginis B.V., NL Netherlands 2,560 34,359,803,904 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50997 NETSPRING-AS - netspring gmbh, CH Switzerland 512 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS1828 UNITAS - Unitas Global, US United States 228,096 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS3213 BOGONS-ASN - Bogons Ltd, GB United Kingdom 14,336 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS20485 TRANSTELECOM - Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom, RU Russian Federation 343,040 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS47649 EGELI-INFORMATIK-AS - EGELI Informatik AG, CH Switzerland 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS51918 CERBERUSNETWORKS-AS - Cerberus Networks Ltd, GB United Kingdom 19,456 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57365 Numintec - Numintec Comunicaciones S.L., ES Spain 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS13285 OPALTELECOM-AS - TalkTalk Communications Limited, GB United Kingdom 3,059,200 214,748,364,800 IPv4 IPv4
AS18106 VIEWQWEST-SG-AP - Viewqwest Pte Ltd, SG Singapore 53,248 13,153,337,344 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25358 NOVSO - Novso SARL, FR France 4,608 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35205 RFT-Brandenburg - RFT kabel Brandenburg GmbH, DE Germany 28,928 73,014,444,032 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35206 NOVATREND-AS - NovaTrend Services GmbH, CH Switzerland 5,120 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS209045 GENESIS-CLOUD-AS - Genesis Cloud Limited, MT Malta 3,328 17,448,304,640 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS16097 HLKOMM - HL komm Telekommunikations GmbH, DE Germany 75,520 42,966,450,176 IPv4 IPv4
AS21032 TELTA-AS - TELTA Citynetz GmbH, DE Germany 26,368 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29287 AT-WZN-AS - Wien Energie GmbH, AT Austria 13,056 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS34555 CCS-Leeds-ASN - C.C.S. (Leeds) Ltd, GB United Kingdom 21,504 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS49544 i3Dnet - B.V, NL Netherlands 94,464 354,874,032,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS51483 SASG - SaSG GmbH & Co. KG, DE Germany 11,776 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS58807 CMI-INT-AS - China Mobile International Limited, HK Hong Kong 38,656 268,435,456 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8468 ENTANET - Cityfibre Limited, GB United Kingdom 360,704 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12430 VODAFONE_ES - VODAFONE ESPANA S.A.U., ES Spain 5,117,952 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4
AS24961 MYLOC-AS - WIIT AG, DE Germany 133,376 26,843,611,136 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8426 CLARANET-AS - Claranet Limited, GB United Kingdom 987,136 219,043,725,312 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8866 VIVACOM-AS - Vivacom Bulgaria EAD, BG Bulgaria 780,288 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4
AS12355 HAMCOM-DE - HeLi NET Telekommunikation GmbH & Co., DE Germany 66,560 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29075 IELO - IELO-LIAZO SERVICES SAS, FR France 43,264 107,374,182,400 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34182 RACKBLACK - Verein, CH Switzerland 512 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS3209 VODANET - Vodafone GmbH, DE Germany 12,700,672 4,561,255,727,104 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS3330 PROFINET-AT - eww ag, AT Austria 52,224 4,295,098,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6805 TDDE-ASN1 - Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co.OHG, DE Germany 8,350,976 2,473,901,162,496 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS198288 newsnet - Newsnet AG, LI Liechtenstein 5,632 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS210500 STADT-WITHUR - Stadt Winterthur, CH Switzerland 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS48943 KAPPERNET - KAPPER NETWORK-COMMUNICATIONS GmbH, AT Austria 14,336 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50903 TRINAPS - TRINAPS SAS, FR France 5,120 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS54825 PACKET - Packet Host, Inc., US United States 84,992 861,995,008 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29141 BKVG-AS - Bradler & Krantz GmbH & Co. KG, DE Germany 18,176 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49981 WorldStream - WorldStream B.V., NL Netherlands 68,608 107,407,802,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS56662 EUTPNET - Marcin Gondek, PL Poland 0 1,114,112 IPv6 IPv6
AS559 SWITCH, CH Switzerland 2,184,704 176,093,790,208 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15925 nexiu - Occino GmbH, DE Germany 17,408 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25291 INTERDOTLINK-SYSELEVEN - SysEleven GmbH, DE Germany 36,096 7,449,083,904 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS48971 DATAWIRE-AS - DATAWIRE AG, CH Switzerland 6,656 34,359,803,904 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9150 Interconnect - ML Consultancy, NL Netherlands 53,504 8,606,842,880 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39702 SIT-AS - S-IT Verwaltungs GmbH trading as S-IT Informationstechnologie Betreiber GmbH & Co. KG im Nordschwarzwald, DE Germany 20,736 42,949,935,104 IPv4 IPv4
AS44034 hi3g - Hi3G Access AB, SE Sweden 1,007,616 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20804 ASN-TELENERGO - Exatel S.A., PL Poland 242,176 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS42059 HUGY - HuGy GmbH, CH Switzerland 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS62167 Tismi - Tismi BV, NL Netherlands 3,328 8,590,000,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS1241 FORTHNET-GR - Nova Telecommunications & Media Single Member S.A, GR Greece 608,768 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS7342 VERISIGN-AS - VeriSign Infrastructure & Operations, US United States 32,256 8,192,000 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8302 ZATTOO - Zattoo AG, CH Switzerland 4,096 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35228 O2BROADBAND - Telefonica UK Limited, GB United Kingdom 215,552 1,048,576 IPv4 IPv4
AS35663 DNS-NET-CH - DNS-NET Services GmbH, CH Switzerland 512 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50673 Serverius-as - Serverius Holding B.V., NL Netherlands 61,952 68,719,542,272 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS201746 OLIVENET-AS - Olivenet Network S.L., ES Spain 7,168 0 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS205572 fibratown-as - Fibratown, S.L., ES Spain 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12322 PROXAD - Free SAS, FR France 10,985,472 274,877,906,944 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15557 LDCOMNET - Societe Francaise Du Radiotelephone - SFR SA, FR France 15,800,576 670,015,356,928 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15933 ITH - ith Kommunikationstechnik GmbH, DE Germany 16,896 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS26415 VERISIGN-INC - VeriSign Global Registry Services, US United States 544 131,072 IPv6 IPv6
AS48314 IP-PROJECTS - Michael Sebastian Schinzel trading as IP-Projects GmbH & Co. KG, DE Germany 34,816 68,719,607,808 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49605 DTS-AS - Digital Telecommunication Services S.r.l., IT Italy 9,472 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8315 ACNBB - Accenture B. V., NL Netherlands 137,984 98,784,313,344 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS24940 HETZNER-AS - Hetzner Online GmbH, DE Germany 2,484,224 81,608,572,928 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31424 NEXELLENT-AS - Netrics Zuerich AG, Opfikon, CH Switzerland 14,848 8,590,262,272 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS24953 ASN-NETPLANET - NETPLANET GmbH, AT Austria 22,528 47,244,640,256 IPv4 IPv4
AS25394 MK-NETZDIENSTE-AS - MK Netzdienste GmbH, DE Germany 139,776 47,379,054,592 IPv4 IPv4
AS29655 TRENKA - Trenka Informatik AG, CH Switzerland 4,352 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47692 NESSUS - Nessus GmbH, AT Austria 35,584 34,359,869,440 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6206 NETROUTING-AS - Netrouting B.V., NL Netherlands 23,296 8,590,327,808 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8839 SDV-AS - SdV-Plurimedia, FR France 16,896 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS21351 CANALPLUSTELECOM - Canal + Telecom SAS, GP Guadeloupe 206,080 1,761,607,680 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50324 HOFNETZ-AS - Campus, Hofnetz & Events GmbH, DE Germany 8,192 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS51185 MAINSTREAMING-AS - MainStreaming SpA, IT Italy 5,632 1,048,576 IPv4 IPv4
AS203752 E-CAPS - E-CAPS D.O.O, RS Serbia 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS3170 VELOXSERV - VeloxServ Communications Ltd, GB United Kingdom 15,616 81,604,902,912 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8262 EVOLINK-AS - Evolink AD, BG Bulgaria 50,176 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4
AS25180 EXPONENTIAL-E-AS - Exponential-E Ltd., GB United Kingdom 293,120 38,923,141,120 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6893 SAITIS-NETWORK - Saitis Network, N.Desir, CH Switzerland 9,216 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12350 VTX-NETWORK - VTX Services SA, CH Switzerland 310,016 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4
AS21013 ITANDTEL-AS - eww ag, AT Austria 25,088 38,654,771,200 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25447 JM-DATA - JM-DATA GmbH, AT Austria 71,168 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34245 MAGNET-AS - Magnet Networks Limited, IE Ireland 121,856 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS39090 BRANDL - Brandl Services GmbH, DE Germany 9,728 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47302 CYON - cyon GmbH, CH Switzerland 3,840 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS3856 PCH-AS - Packet Clearing House, Inc., US United States 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13113 ISILINE-AS - ISI Line srl, IT Italy 34,816 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4
AS20799 DATANET-AS - Ltd, GB United Kingdom 13,824 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS209042 TiZoo - TiZoo Sarl, CH Switzerland 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49600 NEARIP - NEAR IP, S.L., ES Spain 2,304 34,359,869,440 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS61287 WLP-AS - onway (Schweiz) AG, CH Switzerland 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS206804 EstNOC-GLOBAL - EstNOC OY, EE Estonia 13,568 17,760,256 IPv4 IPv4
AS16221 Easy7 - Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd., CH Switzerland 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS21473 PFALZKOM - PFALZKOM GmbH, DE Germany 43,008 55,834,705,920 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25220 GLOBALNOC-AS - equada network GmbH, DE Germany 31,232 21,474,836,480 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25369 BANDWIDTH-AS - Hydra Communications Ltd, GB United Kingdom 127,232 47,244,836,864 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25560 RHTEC-AS - rh-tec Business GmbH, DE Germany 34,816 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS1126 VANCIS - Vancis Advanced ICT Services, NL Netherlands 13,568 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9050 RTD - Orange Romania S.A., RO Romania 1,491,968 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15605 CONNESI - Connesi s.p.a., IT Italy 20,992 17,179,869,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS28889 LINZNET-AS - LinzNet Internet Service Provider GmbH, AT Austria 19,200 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS9304 HUTCHISON-AS-AP - HGC Global Communications Limited, HK Hong Kong 1,531,904 12,886,081,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15517 NETSTREAM-CH - Netstream Holding AG, CH Switzerland 26,624 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS200023 QONNECTED-AS - Qonnected B.V., NL Netherlands 10,752 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS210602 marbell - Marbell AG, CH Switzerland 8,192 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS1273 CW - Vodafone Group PLC, GB United Kingdom 1,824,512 8,796,093,022,208 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8560 IONOS-AS - IONOS SE, DE Germany 676,608 90,227,933,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9145 EWETEL - EWE TEL GmbH, DE Germany 924,160 163,208,888,320 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35280 F5 - F5 Networks SARL, FR France 51,968 81,604,378,624 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS211083 ServerGurus - ServerGurus UG, DE Germany 256 25,769,803,776 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8224 INTERCOM-AS - Intercom s.r.l., IT Italy 11,264 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13150 CATON - CATO NETWORKS LTD, IL Israel 40,960 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS16637 MTNNS-AS - MTN SA, ZA South Africa 3,758,592 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4
AS41327 FIBERTELECOM-AS - Fiber Telecom S.p.A., IT Italy 8,448 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31500 GLOBALNET-AS - Global Network Management Inc, AG Antigua and Barbuda 10,752 4,295,229,440 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34803 BGL - Broadband Gibraltar Limited, GI Gibraltar 17,408 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS61232 redit - redIT Services AG, CH Switzerland 1,792 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS56472 AMPERSAND-AS - Ampersand Srl, IT Italy 5,120 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS203718 Astelon - Astelon GmbH, CH Switzerland 256 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS42689 Glide - Glide Student & Residential Limited, GB United Kingdom 187,392 103,079,215,104 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS48218 HiHo - HiHo AG, CH Switzerland 4,096 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS60051 Earthlink-dmcc - Earthlink Telecommunications Equipment Trading & Services DMCC, AE United Arab Emirates 768 0 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS61157 PLUSSERVER-ASN1 - PlusServer GmbH, DE Germany 380,416 158,913,789,952 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS213298 CTX-BRN-AS - Cortex IT SA, CH Switzerland 2,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS513 CERN - CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research, CH Switzerland 354,816 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6772 IMPNET-AS - ImproWare AG, CH Switzerland 116,224 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS19551 INCAPSULA - Incapsula Inc, US United States 210,432 40,763,392 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12333 DFINET - Cheops Technology Switzerland SA, CH Switzerland 13,824 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15766 DOMICILIUM-AS - Domicilium (IOM) Limited, IM Isle of Man 16,384 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS20815 GRN-AS - GRN Serveis Telematics SL, ES Spain 4,096 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS21336 INFORENT-AS - INFORENT GmbH, DE Germany 12,288 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS25563 WEBLAND-AS - Webland AG, CH Switzerland 3,072 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2852 CESNET2 - CESNET z.s.p.o., CZ Czech 849,920 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8387 T-SYSTEMS-AT - Deutsche Telekom Global Business Solutions GmbH, AT Austria 91,648 38,654,771,200 IPv4 IPv4
AS9044 SOLNET - BSE Software GmbH, CH Switzerland 100,608 42,949,804,032 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34514 FUTURECOM - INGO Zurich AG, CH Switzerland 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS42541 FIBERBY - Fiberby ApS, DK Denmark 11,008 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS43445 ARTEFRANCE - ARTE FRANCE SA, FR France 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS44684 MYTHIC - Mythic Beasts Ltd, GB United Kingdom 7,936 4,295,098,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47605 FNE-AS - FNE-Finland Oy, FI Finland 8,704 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12496 IDNET - Infinity Developments Limited, GB United Kingdom 20,736 4,295,098,368 IPv6 IPv6
AS15435 KABELFOON - DELTA Fiber Nederland B.V., NL Netherlands 250,880 137,438,953,472 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34347 CITYNET-AT-AS - HALLAG Kommunal GmbH, AT Austria 10,752 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS42605 FRA-VRNETZE - Ratiodata SE, DE Germany 3,840 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS43578 bitNAP - MBA DATACENTERS S.L., ES Spain 3,584 327,680 IPv4 IPv4
AS51395 AS-SOFTPLUS - Datasource AG, CH Switzerland 17,408 141,734,117,376 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29550 SIMPLYTRANSIT - Simply Transit Ltd, GB United Kingdom 85,760 4,294,967,296 IPv6 IPv6
AS3262 SARENET - SAREnet, S.A., ES Spain 77,824 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS21409 IKOULA - Ikoula Net SAS, FR France 56,576 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34779 T-2-AS - T-2, d.o.o., SI Slovenia 224,768 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50255 ASN-LITECOM - LITECOM AG, CH Switzerland 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS52075 WIFIRST - Wifirst S.A.S., FR France 132,352 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS216381 AXIANS - Axians IT Services AG, CH Switzerland 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS12859 NL-BIT - BIT BV, NL Netherlands 59,392 158,964,514,816 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12874 FASTWEB - Fastweb SpA, IT Italy 3,565,824 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4
AS20886 DE-IORG-AS-1 - bn:t Blatzheim Networks Telecom GmbH, DE Germany 17,920 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS51468 ONECOM - A/S, DK Denmark 35,072 8,590,000,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9498 BBIL-AP - Bharti Airtel Limited, IN India 2,109,696 4,299,096,064 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12713 OTEGlobe - Ote SA (Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation), GR Greece 6,144 537,001,984 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS33845 SWISSGOV - Swiss Federation represented by FOITT, CH Switzerland 135,168 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13249 ITS-UA - PRIVATE JOINT STOCK COMPANY "DATAGROUP", UA Ukraine 9,728 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS29670 IN-BERLIN-AS - Individual Network Berlin ("IN-Berlin") e.V., DE Germany 6,400 39,192,100,864 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS30081 CACHENETWORKS - CacheNetworks, Inc., US United States 13,056 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS31655 ASN-GammaTelecom - Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd, GB United Kingdom 569,600 103,079,215,104 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS766 RedIRIS - Entidad Publica Empresarial, ES Spain 1,439,232 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS3214 XTOM - xTom GmbH, DE Germany 25,344 112,123,248,640 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13213 UK2NET-AS - UK-2 Limited, GB United Kingdom 229,376 1,344,995,328 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29222 Infomaniak-AS - Infomaniak Network SA, CH Switzerland 57,088 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS205377 CLOUDBIT - cloudbit GmbH, CH Switzerland 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6775 FINK-TELECOM-SERVICES - Andreas Fink trading as Fink Telecom Services GmbH, CH Switzerland 10,496 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8596 HOTZE-AS - GmbH, AT Austria 9,216 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS21263 TELEDATA-AS - TeleData GmbH, DE Germany 47,872 210,453,397,504 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12759 SOCO-AS - Stephan Fuss trading as SoftCom Datensysteme, DE Germany 25,600 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS24990 EQUINIX-FR-ASN - Equinix France SAS, FR France 7,168 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS60486 SNS - Swiss Networking Solutions AG, CH Switzerland 2,048 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS204333 REJECTY - Witalij Koweschnikow, CH Switzerland 256 458,752 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12316 FITSNET - Finanz Informatik Technologie Service GmbH & Co. KG, DE Germany 10,240 4,294,967,296 IPv6 IPv6
AS3399 OBE-NET - Obenetwork AB, SE Sweden 15,104 38,654,771,200 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5607 BSKYB-BROADBAND-AS - Sky UK Limited, GB United Kingdom 8,186,624 66,571,993,088 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12732 GUTCON-NET - GutCon GmbH, DE Germany 1,536 34,359,869,440 IPv4 IPv4
AS13037 ZEN-AS - Zen Internet Ltd, GB United Kingdom 530,944 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS20495 WEDARE - We Dare B.V., NL Netherlands 43,264 6,442,450,944 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS205697 ALOJALIA - ALOJALIA CLOUD S.L., ES Spain 2,048 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS206616 ch-wwcom-1 - wwcom AG, CH Switzerland 3,072 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS215852 SHIGIR - Shigir GmbH, CH Switzerland 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS3303 SWISSCOM - Swisscom (Schweiz) AG, CH Switzerland 3,565,568 165,692,637,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS4788 TTSSB-MY - TM TECHNOLOGY SERVICES SDN BHD, MY Malaysia 3,220,224 4,297,195,520 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6424 EDGOO - EDGOO NETWORKS UNIPESSOAL LDA, PT Portugal 6,144 313,532,612,608 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20751 ASN-AZISTA - AZISTA GmbH, AT Austria 8,960 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS20912 ASN-PANSERVICE - Giuliano Claudio Peritore trading as "Panservice s.a.s. di Cuseo Fabrizio & C.", IT Italy 16,896 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8359 MTS - MTS PJSC, RU Russian Federation 1,562,880 84,842,446,848 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12389 ROSTELECOM-AS - PJSC Rostelecom, RU Russian Federation 9,399,040 64,424,509,440 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15695 Expereo - Expereo International BV, NL Netherlands 43,520 2,686,713,856 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20880 TELECOLUMBUS - Tele Columbus AG, DE Germany 66,560 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS48362 TKSWF-AS - Stadtwerke Feldkirch, AT Austria 7,680 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50384 W-IX_LTD - iHome LLC, RU Russian Federation 256 0 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS58010 UVENSYS - uvensys GmbH, DE Germany 8,704 8,858,435,584 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5413 AS5413 - Daisy Corporate Services Trading Ltd, GB United Kingdom 737,280 73,014,575,104 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6663 TTI-NET - Euroweb Romania S.R.L., RO Romania 54,016 6,442,450,944 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20773 GODADDY - Host Europe GmbH, DE Germany 128,512 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9108 ABXnet - Abraxas Informatik AG, CH Switzerland 9,216 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31287 IPACCT-AS - IPACCT CABLE Ltd, BG Bulgaria 12,800 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS56911 ASN-WARIAN - Warian S.R.L., IT Italy 16,640 13,690,667,008 IPv4 IPv4
AS50782 COSYS - COSYS DATA GmbH, AT Austria 5,120 103,079,215,104 IPv6 IPv6
AS3292 TDC - TDC Holding A/S, DK Denmark 5,306,368 47,244,771,328 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS3302 AS-IRIDEOS - Retelit Digital Services S.p.A., IT Italy 617,984 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8732 COMCOR-AS - JSC Comcor, RU Russian Federation 140,800 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS34309 LINK11 - Link11 GmbH, DE Germany 19,200 4,295,098,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS36351 SOFTLAYER - SoftLayer Technologies Inc., US United States 3,978,240 5,285,675,008 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS41481 Hirslanden - Hirslanden AG, CH Switzerland 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS42369 CORESYSTEM - CORESYSTEM SASU, FR France 768 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50620 BLUENET-TECH-AS - Blue Networks Technologies SARL, FR France 3,072 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS8309 SIPARTECH - SIPARTECH SAS, FR France 40,960 34,359,934,976 IPv4 IPv4
AS8455 ATOM86-AS - atom86 BV, NL Netherlands 23,040 73,014,444,032 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25581 GMG - GMG AG, LI Liechtenstein 6,144 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS205112 PHILUNET - PHILUNET GmbH, DE Germany 3,072 107,374,247,936 IPv4 IPv4
AS205959 ASN-SCCAG - Convotis Schweiz AG, CH Switzerland 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS8816 IT-STCOM - Metrolink S.R.L., IT Italy 22,016 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12312 ECOTEL - ecotel communication ag, DE Germany 620,288 12,901,744,640 IPv4 IPv4
AS43407 INFONLINE-AS - INFOnline GmbH, DE Germany 1,024 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS43727 KVANT-TELECOM - JSC KVANT-TELEKOM, RU Russian Federation 28,928 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS59919 BRAINBOX - Brainbox S.r.l., IT Italy 9,216 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2613 VAN_GULIK - Willem van Gulik, CH Switzerland 512 34,359,934,976 IPv4 IPv4
AS3216 SOVAM-AS - PJSC "Vimpelcom", RU Russian Federation 1,161,986 4,295,098,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8681 JT - JT (Jersey) Limited, JE Jersey 72,704 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50300 CUSTDC - CustodianDC Limited, GB United Kingdom 10,752 24,248,320 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2119 TELENOR-NEXTEL - Telenor Norge AS, NO Norway 6,897,680 1,591,302,750,208 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6776 THENET - TheNet - Internet Services AG, CH Switzerland 6,912 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS43393 HRMSYSTEMS - HRM Systems AG, CH Switzerland 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS31103 KEYWEB-AS - Keyweb AG, DE Germany 38,144 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS39560 KT-NET - KT-NET Communications GmbH, AT Austria 21,504 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS206522 ISPDC-AS - ISP Datacenter SARL, CH Switzerland 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS8304 ECRITEL-FRANCE - Ecritel SASU, FR France 55,808 8,590,000,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15433 Tism - Telecom Italia San Marino S.p.A, SM San Marino 19,200 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS25255 H3G-Austria-AS - Hutchison Drei Austria GmbH, AT Austria 730,112 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4
AS5466 EIRCOM - Eircom Limited, IE Ireland 1,111,040 34,359,869,440 IPv4 IPv4
AS45102 ALIBABA-CN-NET - Alibaba (US) Technology Co., Ltd., US United States 3,639,808 56,912,248,832 IPv4 IPv4
AS2611 BELNET, BE Belgium 866,048 111,669,149,696 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2635 AUTOMATTIC - Automattic, Inc, US United States 38,400 3,014,656 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS3223 VOXILITY - Voxility LLP, GB United Kingdom 70,656 1,507,328 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20647 IPB - IPB Internet Provider in Berlin GmbH, DE Germany 14,848 8,590,000,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20764 RASCOM-AS - CJSC RASCOM, RU Russian Federation 13,312 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20836 CDLAN-AS - CDLAN SpA, IT Italy 25,856 17,180,000,256 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25098 NETCALIBRE - Netcalibre Ltd, GB United Kingdom 16,896 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31543 MYNET-AS - myNet GmbH, AT Austria 36,608 111,669,149,696 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS3491 CONSOLE-CONNECT-ASN - PCCW Global, Inc., US United States 1,039,616 12,885,229,568 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8447 A1TELEKOM-AT - A1 Telekom Austria AG, AT Austria 2,832,128 171,799,019,520 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9063 SAARGATE-AS - VSE NET GmbH, DE Germany 74,496 94,489,280,512 IPv4 IPv4
AS32590 VALVE-CORPORATION - Valve Corporation, US United States 12,800 2,031,616 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34960 Netcetera-AG-AS - Netcetera AG, CH Switzerland 3,840 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS13101 TNG-AS - TNG Stadtnetz GmbH, DE Germany 140,032 103,079,280,640 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50316 NET_GLOBAL_SRL - Net Global Srl, IT Italy 33,280 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS51786 VELDER-AS - Patrick Velder, CH Switzerland 256 2,097,152 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15547 NETPLUS - SA, CH Switzerland 134,144 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15600 QUICKLINE - Quickline AG, CH Switzerland 319,488 755,914,244,096 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20676 PLUSNET - Plusnet GmbH, DE Germany 1,193,728 158,913,855,488 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31122 DIGIWEB-AS - Digiweb ltd, IE Ireland 208,640 51,539,607,552 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31510 IKB-AS - Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe AG, AT Austria 27,904 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS42708 PORTLANE - GleSYS AB, SE Sweden 150,528 98,784,641,024 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8859 OSN - OSN Online Service Nuernberg GmbH, DE Germany 26,112 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS21040 DATAPARK - Datapark AG, CH Switzerland 26,880 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS21385 TNIB - Trusted Network GmbH, DE Germany 28,928 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS60517 AS-CABLEVISION - Noehmer GmbH, AT Austria 8,192 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS200979 HXS - Hosting eXperts Switzerland AG, CH Switzerland 2,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS8339 KABSI-AS - kabelplus GmbH, AT Austria 242,944 21,474,902,016 IPv4 IPv4
AS14061 DIGITALOCEAN-ASN - DigitalOcean, LLC, US United States 2,962,944 17,760,256 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29680 VOZTELECOM - Gamma Operadora de Comunicaciones S.A., ES Spain 12,544 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20144 IMRS - ICANN, US United States 2,304 655,360 IPv4 IPv4
AS20811 BRENNERCOM-AS - Retelit Digital Services S.p.A., IT Italy 69,632 103,079,215,104 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34019 HIVANE - Hivane Association, FR France 2,816 1,245,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39923 AS-UNIXSOLUTIONS - Unix-Solutions BV, BE Belgium 16,128 47,244,836,864 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57169 EDIS-AS-EU - EDIS GmbH, AT Austria 19,712 851,968 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2497 IIJ - Internet Initiative Japan Inc., JP Japan 3,796,480 17,716,871,168 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8365 MANDA - GmbH, DE Germany 140,800 34,359,869,440 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS16298 INTERBOX-AS - Lubbers Box Telematica BV, NL Netherlands 5,120 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS197981 INTERCLOUD-ASN - SAS INTERCLOUD, FR France 4,096 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS198249 OPSONE - Ops One AG, CH Switzerland 2,560 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS206201 DEVANTIS-AS - Devantis SA, CH Switzerland 512 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8529 OMANTEL-AS - Zain Omantel International FZ-LLC, AE United Arab Emirates 6,656 0 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20810 Netcom-Kassel - Netcom Kassel Gesellschaft fuer Telekommunikation mbH, DE Germany 20,224 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS39326 HSO-GROUP - HighSpeed Office Limited, GB United Kingdom 37,632 8,606,711,808 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS206356 Freifunk-Essen - Freifunk Essen e.V., DE Germany 768 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS24916 ORBITAL-ASN - Orbital Net Ltd, GB United Kingdom 33,536 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35507 BEGASOFT-AS - BEGASOFT AG, CH Switzerland 1,536 536,870,912 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50763 MCKAYCOM - MCKAYCOM LTD, GB United Kingdom 4,864 38,654,771,200 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS16075 TAZ-AS - TAZ Verlags- und Vertriebsgesellschaft mit beschraenkter Haftung Berlin, DE Germany 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS28716 RETELIT-AS - Retelit Digital Services S.p.A., IT Italy 47,616 107,374,182,400 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29017 GYRON - NTT Global Data Centers EMEA UK Ltd., GB United Kingdom 34,304 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS30925 SPEEDXS-AS - DELTA Fiber Nederland B.V., NL Netherlands 25,088 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2856 BT-UK-AS - British Telecommunications PLC, GB United Kingdom 12,272,128 549,756,141,568 IPv4 IPv4
AS6894 KDDI-EUROPE - KDDI Europe Ltd, GB United Kingdom 10,496 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8473 BAHNHOF - Bahnhof AB, SE Sweden 591,616 73,014,575,104 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8632 LOL-AS - Luxembourg Online S.A., LU Luxembourg 23,808 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12637 SEEWEB - SEEWEB s.r.l., IT Italy 89,600 231,928,233,984 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS22697 ROBLOX-PRODUCTION - Roblox, US United States 35,840 16,842,752 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS48983 LETZI - Artmotion AG, CH Switzerland 3,328 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS2686 ATGS-MMD-AS - AT&T Corp., US United States 1,314,304 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2818 BBC, GB United Kingdom 73,728 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4
AS3786 LGDACOM - LG DACOM Corporation, KR Republic of Korea 8,744,192 12,784,369,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS28876 SUEC-DACOR-AS - suec // dacor GmbH, DE Germany 31,744 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34465 NCRYPTD - NCRYPTD NET LTD, GB United Kingdom 2,304 2,949,120 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34968 iunxi - iunxi B.V., NL Netherlands 17,408 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS44776 REIST-TELECOM-AS - Reist Telecom AG, CH Switzerland 3,328 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS46489 TWITCH - Twitch Interactive Inc., US United States 44,544 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6798 NET4YOU-AS - Net4You Internet GmbH, AT Austria 13,056 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS8804 REGIO-AS - regio[.NET] Holding GmbH, DE Germany 3,328 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9036 NEURONNEXION-AS - Neuronnexion, FR France 5,120 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS60169 GFIT-AS - R-KOM Regensburger Telekommunikationsgesellschaft mbH, DE Germany 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS210231 SYSDEX - Sysdex AG, CH Switzerland 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34288 AS34288 - Kantonsschule Zug, CH Switzerland 16,640 34,359,803,904 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS212602 CONNECTLIFE - ConnectLife S.r.l, IT Italy 2,560 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS1248 HERE - HERE Global BV, NL Netherlands 40,960 327,680 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS22822 LLNW - Limelight Networks, Inc., US United States 141,056 17,179,934,720 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29140 HOSTSERVER-AS - Hostserver GmbH, DE Germany 5,120 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS45489 SLT-GLOBAL - Sri Lanka Telecom Ltd, LK Sri Lanka 1,536 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50472 CHAOS-AS - Chaos Computer Club e.V., DE Germany 1,280 4,295,098,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS16111 ONLINE-CONSULTING - Online Consulting AG, CH Switzerland 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS29152 DECKNET-AS - Decknet SARL, FR France 5,120 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS34606 ASN-BBBELL - B.B.Bell SPA, IT Italy 69,888 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS48173 UNBELIEVABLE-AS - Orange Business Digital Germany GmbH, DE Germany 40,960 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57695 MISAKA - Misaka Network, Inc., US United States 2,816 8,913,289,216 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS24586 NL-INTERMAX - Intermax Group B.V., NL Netherlands 79,872 4,295,032,832 IPv6 IPv6
AS12399 SCAN-PLUS-AS - q.beyond AG, DE Germany 42,496 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15943 WTNET-AS - GmbH, DE Germany 354,560 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39020 COMVIVE-AS - Comvive Servidores S.L., ES Spain 15,616 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20847 PREVIDER-AS - Previder B.V., NL Netherlands 49,664 11,811,356,672 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS21309 CASAWEB-AS - Acantho S.p.a, IT Italy 61,440 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29527 ASTUTIUM-AS - Astutium Limited, GB United Kingdom 13,568 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS42162 QNET - QualityNet AG, LI Liechtenstein 3,072 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS42184 AS-TKRZ - TKRZ Stadtwerke GmbH, DE Germany 18,944 73,014,444,032 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8445 SALZBURG-AG-AS - SALZBURG AG fur Energie, Verkehr und Telekommunikation, AT Austria 233,216 34,359,803,904 IPv4 IPv4
AS8587 Infracom-AS - Infracom Holding B.V., NL Netherlands 7,936 21,474,836,480 IPv4 IPv4
AS15743 NETDE - AG, DE Germany 18,432 68,719,542,272 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS43284 IWB-Telekom - IWB Industrielle Werke Basel, CH Switzerland 7,936 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS205737 naveum - Naveum AG, CH Switzerland 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS29404 ELBRACHT-COMPUTER-AS - Elbracht-Computer Netzwerk & Grafik Service GmbH, DE Germany 2,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS31027 GlobalConnect-AS31027 - GlobalConnect A/S, DK Denmark 282,880 81,621,286,912 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34927 iFog-GmbH - iFog GmbH, CH Switzerland 5,376 244,383,744 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39764 DOLPHIN - F24 Schweiz AG, CH Switzerland 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS50629 LWLCOM - LWLcom GmbH, DE Germany 83,200 111,669,215,232 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8674 NETNOD-IX - Netnod AB, SE Sweden 7,936 8,590,065,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12414 NL-SOLCON - Solcon Internetdiensten B.V., NL Netherlands 171,520 42,949,738,496 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12479 UNI2-AS - Orange Espagne SA, ES Spain 6,998,528 73,551,314,944 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS207032 Evolute - Etops AG, CH Switzerland 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS24592 NEXICA-AS - ECONOCOM CLOUD SL, ES Spain 14,336 33,554,432 IPv6 IPv6
AS28792 PUBLIC-INTERNET - Public Internet Ltd, GB United Kingdom 6,400 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS62275 NHM - NHM - S.R.L., IT Italy 5,376 171,798,691,840 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS1836 GREEN - AG, CH Switzerland 490,752 73,014,640,640 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS7473 SINGTEL-AS-AP - Singapore Telecommunications (SINGTEL Internet Exchange), SG Singapore 65,280 4,295,229,440 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13335 CLOUDFLARENET - Cloudflare, Inc., US United States 1,721,344 43,952,373,760 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8283 COLOCLUE-AS - Netwerkvereniging Coloclue, NL Netherlands 3,584 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8648 ONE-NETWORK - dogado GmbH, DE Germany 84,224 17,179,934,720 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS62044 ZSCALER-EMEA - Zscaler Switzerland GmbH, CH Switzerland 76,544 469,762,048 IPv4 IPv4
AS5430 FREENETDE - freenet Datenkommunikations GmbH, DE Germany 179,200 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6939 HURRICANE - Hurricane Electric LLC, US United States 520,704 282,631,699,169,280 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS7500 M-ROOT-DNS - WIDE Project, JP Japan 768 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS41655 NETCLOUD - Netcloud AG, CH Switzerland 2,560 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5400 BT - British Telecommunications PLC, GB United Kingdom 693,760 3,904,125,272,064 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12301 Invitech - Invitech ICT Services Kft., HU Hungary 338,176 42,949,804,032 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS21069 ASN-METANET - METANET AG, CH Switzerland 13,824 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34660 IDAQ-AS - Roebuck Group Limited, GB United Kingdom 12,288 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35612 NGI-AS - EOLO S.p.A., IT Italy 361,472 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS37100 SEACOM-AS - SEACOM Limited, MU Mauritius 1,072,896 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39591 GLOBAL-E - Global-e ICT solutions B.V., NL Netherlands 11,776 40,802,320,384 IPv4 IPv4
AS8422 NETCOLOGNE - NetCologne Gesellschaft fur Telekommunikation mbH, DE Germany 573,184 180,388,888,576 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8803 MIGROS - Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund, CH Switzerland 330,496 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS12843 TELEMAXX - TelemaxX Telekommunikation GmbH, DE Germany 124,672 167,772,422,144 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS51088 A2B - A2B IP B.V., NL Netherlands 41,984 343,597,514,752 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS196844 PIONIER-AS-ams-ix - Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Science, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, PL Poland 768 1,048,576 IPv4 IPv4
AS198726 KOMDSL - Thuega SmartService GmbH, DE Germany 23,552 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS203724 MGG4-AS1 - Musarubra Germany GmbH, DE Germany 10,496 131,072 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS30844 LIQUID-AS - Liquid Telecommunications Ltd, GB United Kingdom 410,368 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS41095 IPTP - IPTP LTD, GB United Kingdom 43,520 9,613,344,768 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57521 SIMPLYSOFT-AS - Simplysoft GmbH, CH Switzerland 256 327,680 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13002 ISIX-AS - ISIX Communications LLP, GB United Kingdom 8,704 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31742 SOTACONNECT - Sota Solutions Ltd., GB United Kingdom 11,008 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50877 AIRBEAM-AS - Airbeam S.r.l., IT Italy 6,144 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS51333 ARCOLINK-ASN - Arcolink Telecomunicazioni S.r.l., IT Italy 4,096 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS51945 CONNETU - ConnetU Ltd., GB United Kingdom 3,072 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8271 CH-IBS-AS8271 - Internet Business Solutions AG, CH Switzerland 8,192 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8943 JUMP - Jump Networks Ltd, GB United Kingdom 14,848 25,769,803,776 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12552 IPO-EU - GlobalConnect AB, SE Sweden 568,576 274,878,758,912 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS59890 Kabel-TV-Lampert - Kabel-TV Lampert GmbH & Co KG, AT Austria 13,312 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS61049 EXASCALE - Exascale Limited, GB United Kingdom 4,096 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS16371 acens_AS - acens Technologies, S.L., ES Spain 86,784 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS25279 TREML-STURM-AS - Treml+Sturm Datentechnik GmbH, DE Germany 5,120 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS59908 ISLALINK - BalaLink S.A., ES Spain 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS61012 LIVEDRIVE - Livedrive Internet Ltd., GB United Kingdom 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS205614 medialine-eurotrade-ag - Medialine EuroTrade AG, DE Germany 3,584 73,014,509,568 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8282 FIDONET - IP ASSET MANAGEMENT SERVICES LTD, GB United Kingdom 4,096 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8758 IWAY - Iway AG, CH Switzerland 138,496 148,176,371,712 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS10310 YAHOO-1 - Oath Holdings Inc., US United States 122,112 25,769,934,848 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS214815 AMFORC-AS - Amforc AG, CH Switzerland 512 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS14907 WIKIMEDIA - Wikimedia Foundation Inc., US United States 3,328 589,824 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15598 IPX-AS15598 - NorthC Deutschland GmbH, DE Germany 144,128 8,590,458,880 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20633 UNIFFM-NET - Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt am Main, DE Germany 66,560 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS24482 SGGS-AS-AP - SG.GS, SG Singapore 21,504 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49432 SCHALLERT-AS - Dominic Schallert trading as e.U., AT Austria 256 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS4455 BSO - IX Reach Ltd, GB United Kingdom 57,088 8,590,000,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8469 PIRONETNDH-AS - CANCOM Managed Services GmbH, DE Germany 117,248 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12693 ediscom - e.discom Telekommunikation GmbH, DE Germany 54,784 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS62035 BYTEWORKS - Byteworks GmbH, CH Switzerland 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS206264 AMARUTU-TECHNOLOGY - Amarutu Technology Ltd, SC Seychelles 15,872 38,654,836,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS209886 LAKE - LAKE Solutions AG, CH Switzerland 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS48484 IGN-AS - IGN GmbH, DE Germany 5,120 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS197988 SOLARCOM - Solar Communications GmbH, CH Switzerland 6,144 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS16265 LEASEWEB-NETWORK - LeaseWeb Network B.V., NL Netherlands 0 0 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29208 QUANTCOM-AS - Quantcom, a.s., CZ Czech 254,976 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS44592 SkyLink - SkyLink Data Center BV, NL Netherlands 15,616 115,965,427,712 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS196922 HOFMEIR-AS - Hofmeir Media GmbH, DE Germany 5,120 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS137 ASGARR - Consortium GARR, IT Italy 2,770,944 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2914 NTT-LTD-2914 - NTT America, Inc., US United States 6,999,808 34,359,869,440 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5524 BREEDBANDNEDERLAND - Signet B.V., NL Netherlands 19,712 51,539,673,088 IPv4 IPv4
AS41495 FAELIX - Faelix Limited, GB United Kingdom 3,072 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS44444 Forcepoint-Cloud-AS - Forcepoint Cloud Ltd, GB United Kingdom 49,408 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS44468 WEBKITCHEN-AS - webkitchen GmbH, CH Switzerland 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS60728 FINK - Andreas Fink trading as Fink Telecom Services GmbH, CH Switzerland 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS61215 IIJ-EXLAYER-AS - IIJ Europe Limited, GB United Kingdom 12,288 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9583 SIFY-AS-IN - Sify Limited, IN India 608,000 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS28788 UNILOGICNET-AS - Dustin NL B.V., NL Netherlands 17,408 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34442 AMATISNETWORKS - BNW TECHNOLOGY LTD, GB United Kingdom 10,752 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS47626 ASTIMER - Timer, LLC, RU Russian Federation 24,320 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57463 NetIX - NetIX Communications JSC, BG Bulgaria 0 0 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS396986 BYTEDANCE - Bytedance Inc., US United States 48,384 4,980,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS1267 ASN-WINDTRE - WIND TRE S.P.A., IT Italy 6,567,936 2,233,382,993,920 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5385 RUSSMEDIA-IT - Russmedia IT GmbH, AT Austria 67,584 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS16353 Merula - Merula Limited, GB United Kingdom 25,088 77,309,411,328 IPv4 IPv4
AS5410 BOUYGTEL-ISP - Bouygues Telecom SA, FR France 7,092,224 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6233 XTOM, US United States 6,144 4,296,802,304 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8781 QA-ISP - Ooredoo Q.S.C., QA Qatar 667,136 34,359,803,904 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31736 SENSELAN-AS - senseLAN GmbH, CH Switzerland 20,480 124,554,117,120 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS553 BELWUE - Universitaet Stuttgart, DE Germany 2,115,840 103,079,215,104 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS1257 SWIPNET - Tele2 Sverige AB, SE Sweden 6,557,952 910,535,360,512 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS3250 NETSKIN - Netskin GmbH, CH Switzerland 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35258 ITOSS - akquinet outsourcing gGmbH, DE Germany 9,728 34,628,173,824 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS61098 exoscale - Akenes SA, CH Switzerland 28,928 38,655,557,632 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS199524 GCORE - G-Core Labs S.A., LU Luxembourg 94,208 111,345,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6

Peers at this Exchange Point

Country/Region IX IPv4 IPv6 Port Speed Updated
Austria VIX - Vienna Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:30:0:2:1:1:3030 10 Gbps 2016-03-14 20:35:47
United States NYIIX New York - New York International Internet eXchange 2001:504:1::a501:3030:1 10 Gbps 2016-03-14 20:35:46
United Kingdom LINX LON1 - London Internet Exchange Ltd. 2001:7f8:4::32e6:1 10 Gbps 2022-04-27 21:01:42
Spain ESpanix Madrid Lower LAN - Espanix Lower LAN 2001:7f8:f::18 10 Gbps 2016-03-14 21:36:49
Germany DE-CIX Frankfurt 2001:7f8::32e6:0:1 100 Gbps 2023-03-16 09:26:32
Germany DE-CIX Frankfurt 2001:7f8::32e6:0:2 100 Gbps 2023-03-16 09:26:32
Switzerland CIXP - CERN Internet eXchange Point 2001:7f8:1c:24a::32e6:1 10 Gbps 2018-09-26 15:36:28
France Equinix Paris - Equinix Internet Exchange Paris 2001:7f8:43::1:3030:1 10 Gbps 2016-03-11 07:22:32
United Kingdom LONAP - London Access Point 2001:7f8:17::32e6:1 10 Gbps 2016-03-14 21:22:32
United Kingdom LINX LON2 - London Internet Exchange Ltd. 2001:7f8:4:1::32e6:1 10 Gbps 2016-03-14 21:40:10
United States DE-CIX New York 2001:504:36::32e6:0:1 10 Gbps 2019-01-29 10:31:36
Netherlands AMS-IX - Amsterdam Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:1::a501:3030:1 10 Gbps 2016-08-09 11:22:05
Netherlands AMS-IX - Amsterdam Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:1::a501:3030:2 10 Gbps 2016-08-09 11:22:05
Spain ESpanix Madrid Upper LAN - Espanix Upper LAN 2001:7f8:f:1::18 10 Gbps 2018-07-26 08:27:00
Germany BCIX - Berlin Commercial Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:19:1::32e6:1 10 Gbps 2016-06-30 09:41:42
Spain DE-CIX Madrid 2001:7f8:a0::32e6:0:1 10 Gbps 2021-02-11 14:14:56
Italy MIX-IT - Milan Internet eXchange 2001:7f8:b:100:1d1:a5d1:3030:228 10 Gbps 2021-04-21 09:39:03
Italy MIX-IT - Milan Internet eXchange 2001:7f8:b:100:1d1:a5d1:3030:56 10 Gbps 2018-11-12 14:34:33
Switzerland Equinix Zurich - Equinix Internet Exchange Zurich 2001:7f8:c:8235:194:42:48:16 10 Gbps 2018-12-10 14:18:01
Italy MINAP Milan - Milan Neutral Access Point 2001:7f8:c5::a501:3030:1 10 Gbps 2021-08-05 18:58:53
France DE-CIX Marseille 2001:7f8:36::32e6:0:1 10 Gbps 2019-03-28 17:19:10
France France-IX Paris - FranceIX Paris 2001:7f8:54::1:158 10 Gbps 2019-04-11 19:17:58
France France-IX Marseille - FranceIX Marseille 2001:7f8:54:5::66 10 Gbps 2019-04-11 19:19:13
Germany DE-CIX Dusseldorf 2001:7f8:9e::32e6:0:1 10 Gbps 2020-07-14 08:54:06
Switzerland SwissIX - SwissIX Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:24::c3 10 Gbps 2019-06-03 11:35:16
Switzerland SwissIX - SwissIX Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:24::cc 10 Gbps 2019-06-03 11:35:45
Germany DE-CIX Hamburg 2001:7f8:3d::32e6:0:1 10 Gbps 2023-03-22 15:17:00
Switzerland CHIX-CH - CHIXSWITZERLAND 2001:7f8:cc:333::177 10 Gbps 2021-03-21 16:23:06
Switzerland RomandIX 2001:7f8:b5::c 10 Gbps 2020-09-22 09:50:58
Liechtenstein Rheintal IX - Rheintal Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:66::24 10 Gbps 2020-10-30 14:20:09
Liechtenstein Rheintal IX - Rheintal Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:66::27 10 Gbps 2021-03-29 19:20:41
Germany Equinix Frankfurt - Equinix Internet Exchange Frankfurt 2001:7f8:bd::1:3030:1 10 Gbps 2023-03-16 09:29:46

Private Peering Facilities

Country/Region Name City Website Updated
NIKHEF Amsterdam Amsterdam 2016-03-14 21:23:55
Telehouse - London (Docklands East) London 2016-03-14 21:00:31
Telehouse - Paris 2 (Voltaire - Léon Frot) Paris 2016-03-14 21:12:10
Digital Realty Frankfurt FRA1-16 Frankfurt 2016-03-14 21:06:43
Equinix FR5 - Frankfurt, KleyerStrasse Frankfurt 2023-03-16 09:29:09
Digital Realty Vienna VIE1-2 Vienna 2016-03-14 20:36:01
Digital Realty Zurich ZUR1 Glattbrugg 2016-03-14 20:40:04
Equinix ZH2 - Zurich Zurich 2016-03-14 20:40:04
Digital Realty Amsterdam AMS9 Amsterdam 2016-03-14 21:06:44
Digital Realty Dusseldorf DUS1-2 Düsseldorf 2016-03-14 20:54:48
IWB Basel Basel 2016-03-14 21:57:01
Digital Realty Madrid MAD1-2 Madrid 2016-03-14 21:00:32
Equinix GV1 - Geneva, City Geneva 2016-03-14 20:31:27
Digital Realty Marseille MRS1-3 Marseille 2016-03-14 21:00:31 Zurich Zurich 2023-03-25 18:15:14
165 Halsey Meet-Me Room Newark 2016-04-15 19:07:36
CarrierColo Berlin Luetzow (I/P/B/ site B) Berlin 2018-04-16 14:06:08
CERN Geneva Meyrin 2016-03-14 21:12:10
ColoBâle Pratteln 2016-03-14 21:38:18
Equinix GV2 - Geneva, West Geneva 2018-11-08 18:00:09
Equinix ZH4 - Zurich Zurich 2016-03-14 20:48:29
MIX Milano 2018-11-12 14:35:04
greenDatacenter Zurich/Glattbrugg Glattbrugg 2016-03-14 21:38:18
greenDatacenter Lupfig Lupfig 2016-03-14 20:58:21
NTT Zurich 1 Data Center (ZRH1) Rümlang 2016-03-14 20:58:21
Equinix ZH5 - Zurich, South Zurich 2016-03-14 20:58:21
Brainserve Crissier 2016-03-14 21:27:32
greenDatacenter Zurich/Schlieren Schlieren 2018-11-08 18:00:59
Rechenzentrum Ostschweiz Gais 2021-09-20 15:29:54
AXA Data Center Winterthur 2018-12-19 17:31:10
IPHH HH3 (Wendenstrasse 251) Hamburg 2023-03-25 18:13:16
Datacenter Thurgau Frauenfeld 2023-03-25 18:11:56
greenDatacenter Dielsdorf Dielsdorf 2023-03-25 18:14:27
NorthC Münchenstein (Basel) 1 Münchenstein 2023-06-30 12:59:47
ewl Rechenzentrum Stollen Luzern 2023-03-25 18:14:39
NorthC Winterthur (Zürich) Winterthur 2024-04-23 06:54:10
IP Address Domain NUMs Domains 1
as-block:       AS12557 - AS13223
descr:          RIPE NCC ASN block
remarks:        These AS Numbers are assigned to network operators in the RIPE NCC service region.
mnt-by:         RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
created:        2018-11-22T15:27:24Z
last-modified:  2018-11-22T15:27:24Z
source:         RIPE

aut-num:        AS13030
as-name:        INIT7
org:            ORG-ISA1-RIPE
remarks:        Init7 Global Backbone
remarks:        Please find our peering details at
remarks:        We have an open peering policy and would like to peer with
remarks:        you. Please send requests to [email protected].
remarks:        NOC: [email protected]
remarks:        Abuse: [email protected]
remarks:        Looking Glass:
export:         to AS13030:AS-TRANSIT announce AS13030:AS-INIT7
export:         to AS13030:AS-PEERS announce AS13030:AS-INIT7
import:         from AS13030:AS-TRANSIT accept ANY
import:         from AS13030:AS-PEERS accept AS13030:AS-SET:PeerAS
admin-c:        ISHM-RIPE
tech-c:         ISIE-RIPE
status:         ASSIGNED
mnt-by:         RIPE-NCC-END-MNT
mnt-by:         MNT-INIT7-NOC
notify:         [email protected]
created:        2002-09-17T17:36:34Z
last-modified:  2017-11-15T09:17:46Z
source:         RIPE

organisation:   ORG-ISA1-RIPE
org-name:       Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd.
country:        CH
org-type:       LIR
remarks:        For Spam/Abuse, please contact ONLY [email protected]
remarks:        E-mails to other addresses will be IGNORED
address:        Technoparkstrasse 5
address:        CH-8406
address:        Winterthur
address:        SWITZERLAND
phone:          +41443154400
fax-no:         +41443154401
e-mail:         [email protected]
admin-c:        FKU-RIPE
admin-c:        ISNO-RIPE
tech-c:         ISNO-RIPE
abuse-c:        IA7068-RIPE
mnt-ref:        RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
mnt-ref:        MNT-INIT7-NOC
notify:         [email protected]
mnt-by:         RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
mnt-by:         MNT-INIT7-NOC
created:        2004-04-17T11:02:40Z
last-modified:  2023-10-11T13:07:45Z
source:         RIPE

role:           Init Seven Hostmaster-Team
address:        Init7 (Switzerland) AG
address:        Technoparkstrasse 5
address:        CH-8406 Winterthur
abuse-mailbox:  [email protected]
phone:          +41 44 315 44 00
fax-no:         +41 44 315 44 01
e-mail:         [email protected]
admin-c:        LIMO-RIPE
tech-c:         ISNO-RIPE
nic-hdl:        ISHM-RIPE
org:            ORG-ISA1-RIPE
mnt-by:         MNT-INIT7-NOC
created:        2003-04-29T21:01:05Z
last-modified:  2018-02-23T16:05:44Z
source:         RIPE

role:           Init Seven IP Engineering
address:        Init7 (Switzerland) AG
address:        St. Georgen-Strasse 70
address:        CH-8400 Winterthur
abuse-mailbox:  [email protected]
e-mail:         [email protected]
phone:          +41 44 315 44 00
fax-no:         +41 44 315 44 01
admin-c:        ISHM-RIPE
tech-c:         LIMO-RIPE
nic-hdl:        ISIE-RIPE
org:            ORG-ISA1-RIPE
mnt-by:         MNT-INIT7-NOC
created:        2003-04-29T21:02:11Z
last-modified:  2024-01-04T07:47:08Z
source:         RIPE