The list below shows how many ASNs are assigned to each country. Click on the country links to see more details about the specific ASNs and IP addresses that belong to each country.

AS Numbers: 29 | Build: 2025-03-29
ASN Name IPv4 Num IPs IPv6 Num IPs(/64)
AS17652 MauritiusTelecom - Mauritius Telecom Ltd, MU 1,792 0
AS23889 MauritiusTelecom - Mauritius Telecom Ltd, MU 946,688 4,295,032,832
AS30999 EMTEL-AS-AP - EMTEL LIMITED, MU 277,504 4,294,967,296
AS33763 Paratus - Paratus Telecommunications Limited, MU 81,664 1,879,048,192
AS33764 AFRINIC-ZA-JNB-AS - African Network Information Center - (AfriNIC) Ltd, MU 1,536 262,144
AS36868 EIS - Rogers Capital Technology Services Ltd, MU 23,808 4,294,967,296
AS36877 IWAY_AFRICA - Africa Online Operations (Mauritius) Limited, MU 16,384 0
AS36894 goc - Mauritius Digital Promotion Agency, MU 4,352 1,048,576
AS37100 SEACOM-AS - SEACOM Limited, MU 1,072,896 12,884,901,888
AS37177 AFRINIC-ANYCAST - African Network Information Center - (AfriNIC) Ltd, MU 256 65,536
AS37181 AFRINIC-Anycast-RFC-5855 - African Network Information Center - (AfriNIC) Ltd, MU 256 65,536
AS37301 AFRINIC-ZA-CPT-AS - African Network Information Center - (AfriNIC) Ltd, MU 256 65,536
AS37379 IWAYAFRICA-ZAMBIA - Africa Online Operations (Mauritius) Limited, MU 1,024 0
AS37455 BHARAT-TEL - Bharat Telecom Ltd, MU 6,144 0
AS37622 MTML-AS - Mahanagar Telephone (Mauritius) Ltd, MU 6,144 0
AS37662 WIOCC-AS - West Indian Ocean Cable Company, MU 10,240 12,885,032,960
AS37708 AFRINIC-MAIN - African Network Information Center - (AfriNIC) Ltd, MU 1,280 131,072
AS37722 Kaldera - Kaldera Ltd, MU 1,536 8,589,934,592
AS37725 NGN - Xyberdata, MU 1,024 0
AS327821 MIXP-mgmnt - Mauritius Internet Exchange Point, MU 256 65,536
AS327919 MC-Vision - MC VISION LTD, MU 256 0
AS328019 ATCOMM-BROADBAND-SERVICES-LTD - Atcomm Broadband Services Ltd, MU 2,048 0
AS328476 LaSentinelle - La Sentinelle Ltd, MU 256 0
AS328623 VGR-Communications - VGR Communications Ltd, MU 6,144 0
AS328699 cloud-mu - DataKeepers Ltd, MU 1,024 4,294,967,296
AS328701 EFT-Corporation-AS - EFT Corporation Ltd, MU 512 0
AS328728 Outremer-Telecom-Digital-Solutions - Outremer Telecom Digital Solutions Ltd, MU 256 4,294,967,296
AS328758 RA-Consulting-Services - R A Consulting Services (Pty) Ltd, MU 256 0
AS329069 CFSL1-AS - CIM Financial Services Limited, MU 256 65,536
IPv4: 2466048 | IPv6: 57715589120