AS Number
AS Name
Org Name
Comcast Cable Communications, LLC






AS7015 Looking Glass






IPv6 NUMs(/64)


37,632 IPv4 Addresses
CIDR Description IP Num WiredISP Inc. 256 WiredISP Inc. 256 BlazeNet (C01007174) 256 BLAZENET HIT (C00398701) 256 BlazeNet (C01007351) 256 Wired ISP Inc. 256 MARUSH-PK MARUSH (PVT.) LIMITED 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 4096 Harvard University WiFi (C07314392) 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Whalley Computer Associates, Inc. (C10978469) 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 512 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 1024 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 512 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 512 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Apex Computers (C08200796) 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 1024 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 512 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 1024 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 New England College - Manchester Campus - Apogee (C07542998) 256 New England College - Main Campus - Apogee (C07543006) 256 20 Point Networks LLC 256 20 Point Networks LLC 256 20 Point Networks LLC 256 20 Point Networks LLC 256 Wired ISP Inc. 256 Walt-io WireISP 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Siemens Industry Software Inc. 256 Synopsys Inc. 256 NEWTREND 256 Schneider Electric IT Corporation 1024 CSP, Inc. 256 Process Software Corporation 256 The Chesterton Company 256 New England Biolabs, Inc. 256 Telenet S.r.l. 4096 Advanced Technology Materials, Inc. 256 20 Point Networks LLC 4096 Assurance Technology Inc. 256 Assurance Technology Inc. 256 GCC Technologies, Inc. 256 GCC Technologies, Inc. 256 GCC Technologies, Inc. 256 Lesley College 256 Lesley College 256 Lesley College 256 Lesley College 256 Lesley College 256 Lesley College 256 Lesley College 256 Lesley College 256 Lesley College 256 Lesley College 256 Lesley College 256 Lesley College 256 20 Point Networks LLC 512 CherryRoad Technologies, Inc. 256 PSR, Inc 256
CIDR Description IP NUMs(prefix /64)
2001:559:c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:11::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:21::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:34::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:3f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:61::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:63::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:cb::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:f9::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:107::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:10c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:120::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:122::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:128::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:12a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:143::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:156::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:159::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:16b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:176::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:177::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:1a0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:1ae::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:1b8::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:1c2::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:1d0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:1e6::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:1f1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:203::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:21e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:23c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:23e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:23f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:26b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:26d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:278::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:27a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:291::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:29a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2a1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2a2::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2a8::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2ad::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2ae::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2ba::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2bb::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2bc::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2bd::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2be::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2c9::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2cc::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2cd::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2d4::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2d5::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2d6::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:31c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:356::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:357::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:35e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:370::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:374::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:39a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:3a3::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:3a6::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:3aa::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:3b4::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:3cc::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:3d8::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:3e1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:3e7::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:3f2::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:3f3::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:419::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:42d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:42f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:43c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:441::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:446::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:44c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:44e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:459::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:45f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:461::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:480::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:487::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:49e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4be::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4c2::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4c4::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4cc::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4cd::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4cf::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4d0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4d1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4d2::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4d9::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4dc::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4eb::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4f0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4f1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4f4::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:50b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:50c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:513::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:524::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:527::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:528::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:53b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:55d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:568::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:56a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:56b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:56e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:572::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:577::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:57b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:57c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:57d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:583::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:5d2::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:5d4::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:5e3::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:713::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:723::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:725::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:72e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:730::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:735::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:73d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:742::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:748::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:74c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:74d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:74e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:750::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:75b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:762::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:763::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:77f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:783::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:78b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:78d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:78f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:796::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:797::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:7a4::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:7c4::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:7cf::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:7d5::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:7f7::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:7fc::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:801d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8032::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8043::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8044::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8069::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:807c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80a1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80a2::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80a7::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80bc::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80bd::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80d2::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80d7::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80dd::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80f6::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80fe::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80ff::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:810b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8124::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:813a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:813b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8143::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:815a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8163::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8169::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:818a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8199::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:81b0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:81b9::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:81c0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:81d9::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:81da::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:81e0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:81e1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:81e2::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:81eb::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:81ef::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:81f1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:81fb::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8204::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:820d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8214::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:823b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:823f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8279::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:827d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8283::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8285::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:829d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:82ba::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:82c5::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:82d1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:82e4::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:82ee::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:82fa::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8301::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8303::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8305::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8306::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8312::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8313::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8315::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:831d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8323::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8326::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8327::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8328::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8341::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8347::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8366::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8367::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8382::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:838a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:838d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8397::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:83b7::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:83c6::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:83e6::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:83e9::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:83ea::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:83fc::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8402::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:840c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8410::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8412::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8423::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8429::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:842b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8434::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8440::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8451::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8459::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8464::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8467::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8470::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8482::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8493::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:849e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:84a5::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:84a6::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:84ac::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:84b0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:84ba::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:84c7::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:84d5::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:84d6::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:84d9::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:84da::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:84dd::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8505::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:850b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:850e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8518::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8519::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:851c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:851f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8520::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8522::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8524::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8525::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8526::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8527::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8528::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8534::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:853a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:853c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:853d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:853f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8549::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:854a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8556::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8557::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:855e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8566::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:856b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8574::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8575::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:859b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:85a4::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:85ae::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:85b3::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:85cb::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:85de::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:85ef::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:85f9::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:85fe::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8605::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8616::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:861d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8639::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:863a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:863b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:863c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:863d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8640::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:864b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8658::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8673::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8674::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8688::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:869f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:86a0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:86a1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:86c2::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:86c6::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:86eb::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:86ed::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:86fb::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:86fc::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:86fd::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:870b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:871c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:871f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8727::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8731::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8732::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8737::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:873a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:873b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:873c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:873d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8741::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8744::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8753::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8757::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8758::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8759::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:875c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8768::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8769::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:876d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8776::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8777::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8778::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:877e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8781::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8788::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8789::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:878a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:878b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:878f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:879a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:879b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:879c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:879f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87a1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87a2::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87a3::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87a5::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87a8::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87a9::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87aa::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87ab::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87ac::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87ad::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87b1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87b6::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87b8::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87b9::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87ba::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87bb::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87be::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87c0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87c4::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87c5::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87c9::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87d1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87d8::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87d9::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87e0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87e1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87e2::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87e3::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87ea::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87eb::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87f4::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87f8::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87f9::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87fa::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
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2001:559:c566::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2602:810:20c2::/48 Dynatrace 65536
2620:12d:e03f::/48 Synopsys Inc. 65536
AS Description Country/Region IPv4 NUMs IPv6 NUMs IPv4 IPv6
AS3356 LEVEL3 - Level 3 Parent, LLC, US United States 29,852,928 77,330,644,992 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS7922 COMCAST-7922 - Comcast Cable Communications, LLC, US United States 70,110,720 36,318,243,520,512 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS Description Country/Region IPv4 NUMs IPv6 NUMs IPv4 IPv6
AS16481 BABSON-GNET - Babson College, US United States 65,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS32286 TRIPADVISOR - TripAdvisor LLC, US United States 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS26410 PTPA - Point To Point Access.Com, US United States 8,448 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS27185 DHS-INTERNET - Danbury Hospital - ITG, US United States 65,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS63326 CSQUARED - C Squared Systems, LLC, US United States 512 1,048,576 IPv4 IPv4
AS396151 STEWARDHEALTHCARE - Steward Health Care System LLC, US United States 4,864 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS397956 NETWORK-DATA-SYSTEMS - Network Data Systems, Inc, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS400357 SOUTHCOAST-HEALTH-01 - Southcoast Health System, Inc., US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS10755 DARTMOUTH-AS - Dartmouth College, US United States 65,536 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS22810 BROOKS-AUTOMATION - Brooks Automation Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS40828 THE-RMR-GROUP - The RMR Group LLC, US United States 2,560 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS63281 VERMONT-JUDICIARY-01 - Vermont Judiciary, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS400546 EXAGRID-ASN - Exagrid, US United States 0 131,072 IPv6 IPv6
AS14203 JUNIPER-NETWORKS - Juniper Networks, Inc., US United States 6,656 327,680 IPv4 IPv4
AS29764 AMETEK-CTC - AMETEK Inc., US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS33022 WELLESLEY-COLLEGE - Wellesley College, US United States 33,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS54722 BMOS - Museum of Science, US United States 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS6248 DEKA-R-D - DEKA Research & Development Corp, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS13797 IDG-19 - International Data Group, Inc., US United States 6,144 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS40774 BSM-9-ASN - Bay State Milling Company, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS46524 GRANITE-100 - Granite Telecommunications LLC, US United States 768 131,072 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS394782 SEAPORT - Commonwealth Flats Development Hotel Corp., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS399505 EBNHC-AS - East Boston Neighborhood Health Center, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS32680 CHNCTORG - Community Health Network of Connecticut, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS40886 PRAC - Plymouth Rock Assurance Corporation, US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS396023 DEMO-TEWKS - Demoulas Super Markets, Inc., US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS400203 BYF-MH-01 - Big Y, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS11894 SERVICE-CREDIT-UNION-11894 - Service Credit Union, US United States 512 16,777,216 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS46964 BROADINSTITUTE-AS - The Broad Institute, Inc., US United States 16,384 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS55032 JAXNET-BH-01 - The Jackson Laboratory, US United States 4,352 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS16434 HCM - Hitachi Cable Manchester, INC, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS17131 OEM-CONTROLS - OEM Controls, Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS5117 INETNETWORK - iNet Communications, LLC, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS18729 SHAWMUT - Shawmut Design & Construction, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS19456 WATERS-CORPORATION - Waters Technologies Corporation, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS26905 LIFEC - LifeCare Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS36649 EIC - Electric Insurance Company, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS55088 RWA-ASN - RWA Wealth Partners, LLC, US United States 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS18512 YBP-AS - Yankee Book Peddler, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS53461 EBTC - Enterprise Bank and Trust Company, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS5632 GORDONCOLLEGE - Gordon College, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS13801 CONCORD-CARLISLE-MA - Concord-Carlisle Regional School District, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS27421 APPLAUSEMA - Applause, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS17035 NBCUNI-17035 - NBCUniversal, US United States 15,616 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS32749 POTPOURRI-GROUP-INC - Potpourri Group Inc, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS40417 INTERACTIONSCORP - Interactions Corporation, US United States 1,024 131,072 IPv4 IPv4
AS54079 BENNINGTON-COLLEGE - Bennington College, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS394093 HS-ASN - Hallmark Sweet, INC, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS394174 AIDC - American International Distribution Corporation, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS27259 AMERICAN-STUDENT-ASSISTANCE - American Student Assistance, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS40331 MRCYHQ - Mercury Systems, Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS394653 BHBT - Bar Harbor Bank & Trust, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS394858 UNIVERSITY-OF-NEW-HAVEN - University of New Haven, US United States 768 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS395078 MHALINK-01 - Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association, Inc., US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS11343 WHOOP-ASN - Whoop, Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS14687 NLG-ASN-1 - National Life Insurance Company, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS36772 WPTZ - Hearst-Argyle Television, Inc., US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS40831 PHS - Mass General Brigham Incorporated, US United States 197,120 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS40942 CAPECODCC - Cape Cod Community College, US United States 2,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS393418 LOGIX-HEALTH - LOGIXHEALTH, INC, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS2738 AS-SHIELDS-COM - Shields Health Care Group, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS6254 EGGINC - EG&G, Inc., US United States 66,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS30438 RESOLVE-BGP01 - Resolve I.T., US United States 512 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS54515 MRMC - Milford Regional Medical Center Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS62732 BCC-BGP - Boston Coach Corp., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS395928 PROV-EQUITY - Providence Equity Partners LLC, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS11198 SE-AMS-BOS-01 - Schneider Electric IT Corporation, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS19733 DCU-LCO1 - Digital Federal Credit Union, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS23154 SANMINA-SCI - Sanmina-SCI Corporation, US United States 14,592 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS26385 THE-UNIVERSITY-OF-VERMONT-MEDICAL-CENTER-1 - The University of Vermont Medical Center Inc, US United States 4,864 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS62631 AURUS - Aurus Inc, US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS63302 MFAB - Museum Of Fine Arts Boston, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS397779 CONCORD-HOSPITAL-ASN-01 - Concord Hospital, US United States 1,792 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS14512 BENTLEY-AS - Bentley University, US United States 65,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS32540 HP-HOOD - HP Hood, US United States 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS393319 ANDURIL-1 - Anduril Industries, Inc., US United States 4,608 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS19704 HCVT-01 - Howard Center, Inc., US United States 512 16,842,752 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS33462 AER-LEXINGTON-MA - AER, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS54737 LINDTUS - Lindt & Sprungli (USA), Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS398045 HULA-00 - Hula LLC, US United States 256 268,435,456 IPv6 IPv6
AS30034 VCS-ASN - The Vermont Country Store, Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS32082 BSC-20041102 - Bridgewater State College, US United States 8,960 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS36040 YOUTUBE - Google LLC, US United States 7,728 1,179,648 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS36717 PRO-EMS - Professional Ambulance & Oxygen Service, Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS395707 CEJ-COMPUTER - CEJ Computer Business Systems, LLC, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS397552 NORTHEAST-DELTA-DENTAL - Northeast Delta Dental, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS394268 SIHC - Sonesta International Hotels Corporation, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS5036 WCA - Whalley Computer Associates, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS14191 HT-WATERBURY-INC-01 - H&T Waterbury, INC, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS15124 TOR-CCONNECT-01 - Town of Ridgefield, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS22076 NEWSBANK - NewsBank Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS40320 KROHNE-INC - KROHNE, INC., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS46414 OTELCO-MA - GoNetSpeed, US United States 2,560 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS393255 AS-SAFETY-INSURANCE2 - Safety Insurance Company, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS396409 TKG-AS01 - KRAFT GROUP LLC, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS46519 LMI - Lantheus Medical Imaging, Inc, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS6354 LYCOS - Lycos, Inc., US United States 4,096 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS8116 BOSTON-SCIENTIFIC-132-189-0-0 - Guidant Corporation, US United States 3,584 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS13510 BAYSTATEHEALTH - Baystate Health, Inc., US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS14073 NEXTJUMPINC - Next Jump, Inc., US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS33714 HBCS-NC-AS1 - Hospital Billing and Collection Service, LTD, US United States 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS36460 WATTSCORPORATEASN - Watts Water Technologies, Inc., US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS38191 INFOSYS-AS - Infosys Limited, IN India 27,648 131,072 IPv4 IPv4
AS54036 CHES-NET - Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc., US United States 5,376 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS55161 DIGI-201302 - Digipress Inc, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS12184 FORRESTER-RESEARCH - Forrester Research, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS19323 HGE-NET - Holyoke Gas & Electric Department, US United States 25,600 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS26914 SYNOPTEK - Synoptek, LLC, US United States 117,760 33,619,968 IPv4 IPv4
AS393558 ALR - AlerisLife Inc., US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS395820 ISG-SECURITY - Integrated Security Group, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS399271 WALTHAM-INTERNET - BIVF Management Services, LLC, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS29 YALE-AS - Yale University, US United States 131,840 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS16669 APPLIED-MATERIALS - Applied Materials, US United States 66,816 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS16758 RICOH USA - Ricoh USA, Inc., US United States 7,680 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS19047 AWS-01 -, Inc., US United States 6,656 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS36075 SPACELABS-HEALTHCARE - SpaceLabs Medical, Inc., US United States 8,192 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS397402 AH-PEER1 - Atrius Health, Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS397764 REPLIMUNE-US - Replimune Inc, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS393412 MONOTYPE-HQ - Monotype Imaging Inc, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS3 MIT-GATEWAYS - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US United States 1,837,056 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS11598 RECOL-CT - Cloudsmart, US United States 4,864 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS14917 MILTON-CAT - Milton CAT, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS20402 LL-942-20402 - LEDVANCE, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS64293 MHB-AS1 - Mobile Heartbeat, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS400255 BITFIRE - BitFire Networks, LLC, US United States 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS15038 CAMBINC-1 - The Cambridge Incubator, LLC, US United States 2,560 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS23462 SAUNSTAR-PARKPLAZA - SaunStar Operating Company, LLC, US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS25725 EINK - E INK CORPORATION, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS27015 FMCH-27015 - FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE HOLDINGS, INC, US United States 1,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS62570 TUFTS-MEDICAL-CENTER-BOSTON - Tufts Medical Center Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS397527 PHC-P1 - Plimpton & Hills Corporation, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS394698 FITCHBURG-STATE-UNIVERSITY - Fitchburg State University, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS12222 AKAMAI - Akamai Technologies, Inc., US United States 8,448 8,650,752 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS22776 CONRES01730 - Continental Resources, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS22787 ARRIS - ARRIS Enterprises LLC, US United States 11,520 3,145,728 IPv4 IPv4
AS30196 CAPSCENTERS - CAPS, US United States 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS33674 COGNEX-HQ - Cognex Corporation, US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS40834 CHARLES-RIVER-LABORATORIES-INC-SHR - Charles River Laboratories, Inc., US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS55175 CLOUDBURST - RainWorx, US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS396833 LASELLCOLLEGE - Lasell University, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS18962 MEDITECH-1 - Medical Information Technology, Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS26287 NBER-AS - National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS32461 ARSPL - ARE-East River Science Park, LLC, US United States 1,792 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS33378 ASN1 - EASTERN BANK, US United States 1,792 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS53936 EDENRED-USA - WiredCommute LLC, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS394966 DFCU - Direct Federal Credit Union, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS4549 ESPN-AS - ESPN, Inc., US United States 14,848 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS10271 MEGANET-TCIX - Meganet Communications, US United States 16,640 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS22826 CALIPER - Caliper Corporation, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS31882 ABS-AS1 - ABS Backup Solutions, Inc., US United States 8,192 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS32622 TWRS-PW - Towerstream I, Inc., US United States 1,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS393825 BOZZ-275-CT - Bozzuto's Incorporated, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS22130 DAS-BGP-29 - Doctor's Associates LLC, US United States 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS25763 BHSG-ASN001 - Beacon Hill Staffing Group, LLC, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS30001 TECHEVOLUTION, US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS32802 BROCKTONHOSPITAL-ORG - Brockton Hospital, US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS393690 AS-MARITIME - Massachusetts Maritime Academy, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS395519 AS-CTCHILDRENS - Connecticut Children's Medical Center, US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS27178 HSPS-HQ - Practice Management Technologies and Services, US United States 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS33564 CONRESPS - Continental Resources, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS36145 PHILLIPS-ACADEMY - Phillips Academy, US United States 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS54651 BLACK-DUCK-SOFTWARE-01 - Black Duck Software, Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS63057 AXINN - Axinn, Veltrop & Harkrider LLP, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS11350 NORTHWESTERN-MEDICAL-CENTER - NorthWestern Medical Center, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS11499 WHOI-WOODSHOLE - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, US United States 68,864 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS12152 AS12152 - Ascensus, LLC., US United States 2,816 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS14337 CVMIN-AS1 - CVM, INC, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS54851 NEBH - New England Baptist Hospital, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS30040 PIM-ASN - Amundi Asset Management US, Inc., US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS394604 XBHS-AS1 - Xaverian Brothers High School, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS401025 EOS-A001 - Excel Orthopaedic Specialists, US United States 0 0 IPv4 IPv4
IP Address Domain NUMs Domains 2 1
ASNumber:       7015
ASName:         COMCAST-7015
ASHandle:       AS7015
RegDate:        2001-12-20
Updated:        2021-01-25    

OrgName:        Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
OrgId:          CCCS
Address:        1800 Bishops Gate Blvd
City:           Mt Laurel
StateProv:      NJ
PostalCode:     08054
Country:        US
RegDate:        2001-09-18
Updated:        2020-11-18

OrgAbuseHandle: NAPO-ARIN
OrgAbuseName:   Network Abuse and Policy Observance
OrgAbusePhone:  +1-888-565-4329 
OrgAbuseEmail:  [email protected]

OrgTechHandle: IC161-ARIN
OrgTechName:   Comcast Cable Communications Inc
OrgTechPhone:  +1-856-792-2300 
OrgTechEmail:  [email protected]

OrgRoutingHandle: ROUTI25-ARIN
OrgRoutingName:   Routing
OrgRoutingPhone:  +1-856-792-2300 
OrgRoutingEmail:  [email protected]