AS Number
AS Name
Org Name
Comcast Cable Communications, LLC






AS33667 Looking Glass






IPv6 NUMs(/64)


24,320 IPv4 Addresses
CIDR Description IP Num Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Apogee ACC Manzanita Square (C07620733) 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 512 Siemens Industry Software Inc. 256 EGAN 16384 Fairmont Hotels & Resorts Inc. 1024 Facebook, Inc. 256 Facebook, Inc. 256 Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati, Professional Corporation 256 Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati, Professional Corporation 256 Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati, Professional Corporation 512 University of California San Francisco 256 University of California San Francisco 256 Wi-Fiber, Inc. 1024 City of Salinas, Information Systems Group 256 Livermore Software Technology Corporation 256 Chrontel 256 Serra Systems, Inc. 256 E & M Electric and Machinery, Inc. 256 AT&T Corp. 256
CIDR Description IP NUMs(prefix /64)
2001:559:8b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:123::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:13c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:1b1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:1be::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:249::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2bf::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2c1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:373::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:47c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:492::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4c6::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:5a2::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:5de::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:712::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:75a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:7cb::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8091::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80a8::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8167::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8202::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:82f6::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:83e1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:83fb::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8436::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8439::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:845d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8492::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:859a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:85d8::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:860f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8610::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:86a7::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:86ec::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8704::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8763::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8784::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87c1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87c8::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c082::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c107::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c117::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c144::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c203::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c219::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c222::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c294::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c36d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c37b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c395::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c39a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c3fd::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c46c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c475::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c4d5::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c551::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2602:810:20c1::/48 Dynatrace 65536
2620:10a:6000::/44 Infoblox, Inc. 1048576
2a03:2887:ff31::/48 Meta Platforms Ireland Limited 65536
2a03:2887:ff32::/48 Meta Platforms Ireland Limited 65536
AS Description Country/Region IPv4 NUMs IPv6 NUMs IPv4 IPv6
AS3356 LEVEL3 - Level 3 Parent, LLC, US United States 29,673,728 77,331,365,888 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS7922 COMCAST-7922 - Comcast Cable Communications, LLC, US United States 70,110,720 36,318,243,520,512 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS Description Country/Region IPv4 NUMs IPv6 NUMs IPv4 IPv6
AS14443 BFS-49-14443 - Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc., US United States 65,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS22020 PLANETMAGPIE - Magpie Internet Communications, Corp., US United States 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS36835 NMF4L-1500 - Nugget Market, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS5098 OPUSONE-NETS - Opus One Winery, LLC, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS22414 CRAIGS-NET-1 - Craigslist, Inc., US United States 1,024 1,048,576 IPv4 IPv4
AS55032 JAXNET-BH-01 - The Jackson Laboratory, US United States 4,352 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS397620 CITYMENLOPARK - City of Menlo Park, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS26450 CTDI-WC - CTDI, US United States 512 16,777,216 IPv6 IPv6
AS5774 USPS-001 - United States Postal Service, US United States 196,608 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS53782 PCOASTP - Pacific Coast Producers, US United States 4,096 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS394377 COUNTY-OF-TULARE - County of Tulare, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS53497 WEBPERCEPTION - WebPerception, LLC, US United States 6,400 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS54654 MILLSCOLLEGE - Mills College, US United States 16,384 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS55278 CIG-ASN - California Capital Insurance Company, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS396513 COUNTY-OF-FRESNO - County of Fresno, US United States 1,792 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS398572 MONOLITHICPOWER-SJC - Monolithic Power Systems,Inc, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS20464 HP-POLY - HP Inc., US United States 8,192 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS27288 DPCHICO-1 - Digital Path, US United States 30,464 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS22695 PLAYGROUND - Playground Global, LLC, US United States 256 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS63435 MONTEREY-AS-01 - County of Monterey, US United States 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS395425 FANDANGO - Fandango Media, LLC, US United States 4,096 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS398732 DPCCOMMERCIAL - Deutscher Properties Corporation, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS10309 MARIN-MIDAS - County of Marin, US United States 9,472 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS46867 AUDEAMUS - Sebastian, US United States 7,680 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS62508 GLOBAL-US - GlobalLogic Inc., US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS32504 INTELLETRACE, US United States 512 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS11620 SUCCEED-NET - Succeed.Net, US United States 18,432 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS14062 AKQA - AKQA, Inc., US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS19099 RAMBUS, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS46186 GILD-SCI - Gilead Sciences, US United States 2,816 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS396921 US-CBP - U.S. Customs and Border Protection, US United States 3,328 1,048,576 IPv4 IPv4
AS397813 CLARKE-MULTIHOME-IP-BLOCK - Clarke Broadcasting Corporation, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS32074 CPTSL-32074 - CrossLink Professional Tax Solutions, LLC, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS54269 PROVIDENTCU - Provident Credit Union, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS394763 CCCERA-AS - Contra Costa County Employees Retirement Association, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS5081 CCS-AS - CLARE COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, US United States 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS18556 SCIF - State Compensation Insurance Fund, US United States 2,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS31802 COSR - City of San Rafael, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS21954 TELES-27 - Telestream, Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS25875 VARIOUS - FriendFinder Networks Inc, US United States 5,632 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS36761 KSBW-TV - Hearst-Argyle Television, Inc., US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS62539 FORTIS - Fortis Telecom, US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS18841 TRIMBLE-SNVL - Trimble, Inc., US United States 512 131,072 IPv4 IPv4
AS25632 NORTHBAYHEALTHCARECORP - NorthBay Healthcare Corporation, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS27009 CUSD - Clovis Unified School District, US United States 5,120 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS54169 MGH-ION-1 - Marin General Hospital, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS17381 AS-WSI-ECOM-WEST - Williams-Sonoma, US United States 3,072 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS36040 YOUTUBE - Google LLC, US United States 8,496 1,441,792 IPv4 IPv4
AS46341 CPUC-AS-001 - California Public Utilities Commission, US United States 65,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS22617 SACCOURT - Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento, US United States 512 1,048,576 IPv4 IPv4
AS36690 RSYSTEMS-EDH - R Systems Inc., US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS394304 SACRAMENTO-KINGS - Sacramento Downtown Arena, LLC, US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS394516 COUNTYOFNAPAAS - County of Napa MIS, US United States 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS397062 SMG - Sun-Maid Growers of California, US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS11733 EJGALLO - E. & J. Gallo Winery Inc., US United States 1,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS11829 CADENCE - Cadence Design Systems, Inc., US United States 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS14421 THERAVANCE - Theravance Biopharma US, LLC, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS27437 IGN - IGN Entertainment, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS6099 BAE-NET-ASN - Alameda County Office of Education, US United States 155,648 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS14203 JUNIPER-NETWORKS - Juniper Networks, Inc., US United States 6,656 327,680 IPv4 IPv4
AS16914 MBHARCH - MBH ARCHITECTS, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS400147 CITY-OF-MODESTO-01-ASN - City of Modesto, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS22317 F5-NETWORKS - F5, Inc., US United States 2,560 851,968 IPv6 IPv6
AS54201 WEWORK-MANAGEMENT-LLC - We Link Networks LLC, US United States 1,024 2,293,760 IPv6 IPv6
AS46798 SSCSINC - Service Station Computer Systems, Inc., US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS396505 EMC - ENLOE MEDICAL CENTER, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS397765 CCA - California College of the Arts, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS27580 ENGINEERING-ASN1 - ConvergeOne Holdings Corp, US United States 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS32688 GOLDEN1-CU-NET - THE GOLDEN 1 CREDIT UNION, US United States 2,560 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS395210 WESTERNCARRIERS-CA - Western Carriers Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS397909 EGUSD-01 - Elk Grove Unified School District, US United States 66,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS397994 XACTLY-01 - Xactly Corporation, US United States 768 196,608 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS22768 SYNERGYBROADBAND-MI-02 - SYNERGY BROADBAND, US United States 11,776 327,680 IPv4 IPv4
AS23338 ASN-DCS-01 - DCS Pacific Star, LLC, US United States 44,288 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS23472 SONICWALL-BGP - SonicWALL, Inc., US United States 768 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS398178 TELCION-NETOPS-01 - Telcion Communications Group, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS11483 CONVIVA-AS - Conviva, Inc., US United States 1,536 196,608 IPv4 IPv4
AS32928 ITECHTOOL-ASN-LAH - ITechTool Incorporated, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS398214 PHP-ASN - Prominence Health Plan, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS54246 AFNI-INTERNET - AFNI, Inc., US United States 2,816 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS14706 MBARI-MAIN - Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, US United States 65,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS39961 CCSF - San Francisco Department of Telecommunications and Information Services, US United States 58,624 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS11465 KAWEAH-DELTA-HEALTH-CARE-DISTRICT - Kaweah Delta Health Care District, US United States 8,192 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS22700 USFCA - University of San Francisco, US United States 65,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS40639 KORBELINC - F Korbel & Bros Inc, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS17003 ZOETIS-INC - Zoetis Inc., US United States 4,096 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS32537 XILINX - Xilinx Incorporated, US United States 65,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS46201 COYUBA58 - County of Yuba, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS394121 VCH-MADERA - Valley Children's Hospital, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS397942 RUBRIK-INC - Rubrik Inc, US United States 512 268,566,528 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS11681 INTEGRITY - Integrity Networks, US United States 5,632 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS13335 CLOUDFLARENET - Cloudflare, Inc., US United States 1,786,368 43,954,995,200 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS40620 INGENUITY-SYSTEMS - QIAGEN Redwood City, Inc., US United States 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS30175 EPICOR, US United States 11,520 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS33161 CHUMASH-ENTERPRISES - Chumash Casino Resort, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS395844 LUSD, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS396262 FSO-ASN - Fresno County Sheriff's Office, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS11941 PWLLP-AS001 - Pillsbury Madison & Sutro, Inc., US United States 5,888 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS15228 OREILLYMEDIA-AS1 - O'Reilly Media, Inc., US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS18663 UOP-AS - University of the Pacific, US United States 65,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS19047 AWS-01 -, Inc., US United States 6,656 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS20383 EXCHANGEBANK-AS - Exchange Bank, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS204662 HARMONIC_FRANCE - Harmonic France SAS, FR France 0 196,608 IPv6 IPv6
AS25878 QNST-DC01 - Quinstreet, Inc., US United States 2,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS397787 MEWUK-NETWORKS - Black Oak Casino, US United States 768 268,500,992 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS17035 NBCUNI-17035 - NBCUniversal, US United States 15,616 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS46520 CA-DOJ - California Department of Justice, US United States 65,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS20381 CABLELABS-LV - Cable Television Laboratories, Inc., US United States 1,280 262,144 IPv6 IPv6
AS2894 CALIF-DWR - California Department of Water Resources, US United States 6,400 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS13511 UNIVI-2-ASN - Univision Communications Inc., US United States 2,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS16920 WINDRIVER - Wind River Systems, Inc., US United States 67,584 16,777,216 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS11328 BIO-RAD-ASN - Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS19637 AVG19637 - Avago Technologies U.S. Inc., US United States 24,064 720,896 IPv4 IPv4
AS396484 CITY-OF-ROSEVILLE-CA - City of Roseville, US United States 16,384 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS3708 PACIFIC-BIOSIENCES - Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS11203 CALDSL - Matrix Broadband, US United States 3,328 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS399761 STREAMIT-001 - Stream IT Networks LLC, US United States 1,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS6192 UCDAVIS-CORE - University of California, Davis, US United States 229,632 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS395536 TRIMARKASSOC - Trimark Associates, inc, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS55064 ARISTAASN1 - Arista Networks, Inc., US United States 1,024 196,608 IPv6 IPv6
AS40385 SAINT-MARYS-CA-AS - Saint Mary's College of California, US United States 4,096 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS393518 CLAIMREMEDI-AS - ClaimRemedi, Inc., US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS393935 SCCU - Sierra Central Credit Union, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS395323 SMC - County of San Mateo, US United States 8,192 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS1055 CITY-OF-MANTECA-CALIFORNIA - City of Manteca, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS25625 IPAI - IP Access International, US United States 18,944 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS395011 SF-PSN - City and County of San Francisco, US United States 256 4,294,967,296 IPv6 IPv6
AS23154 SANMINA-SCI - Sanmina-SCI Corporation, US United States 14,592 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS396121 BAYER-BERKELEY - Bayer Corporation, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS397450 COF94533 - City of Fairfield, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS54469 COV-ISP - City of Vacaville, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS398204 CITY-OF-STOCKTON - City of Stockton, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS6379 ALINK - A-Link Network Services, Inc., US United States 5,632 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS10982 TIVO-SJ - TiVo, Inc., US United States 4,608 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS20940 AKAMAI-ASN1 - Akamai International B.V., NL Netherlands 13,909,184 1,138,167,383,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS54767 RESTO-HARDWARE - Restoration Hardware, Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS393914 INVITAE-01 - Invitae Corp, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS55059 BMD - Communications & Power Industries, LLC, US United States 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS18880 LAMRC - Lam Research Corporation, US United States 65,792 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS25753 CALPERS - California Public Employees' Retirement System, US United States 3,328 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS35928 BECKMAN-COULTER-ASN - BECKMAN COULTER, INC., US United States 17,920 0 IPv4 IPv4
ASNumber:       33667
ASName:         CMCS
ASHandle:       AS33667
RegDate:        2005-02-16
Updated:        2021-01-25    

OrgName:        Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
OrgId:          CCCS
Address:        1800 Bishops Gate Blvd
City:           Mt Laurel
StateProv:      NJ
PostalCode:     08054
Country:        US
RegDate:        2001-09-18
Updated:        2020-11-18

OrgTechHandle: IC161-ARIN
OrgTechName:   Comcast Cable Communications Inc
OrgTechPhone:  +1-856-792-2300 
OrgTechEmail:  [email protected]

OrgRoutingHandle: ROUTI25-ARIN
OrgRoutingName:   Routing
OrgRoutingPhone:  +1-856-792-2300 
OrgRoutingEmail:  [email protected]

OrgAbuseHandle: NAPO-ARIN
OrgAbuseName:   Network Abuse and Policy Observance
OrgAbusePhone:  +1-888-565-4329 
OrgAbuseEmail:  [email protected]