AS Number
AS Name
Org Name
Comcast Cable Communications, LLC






AS33657 Looking Glass






IPv6 NUMs(/64)


16,896 IPv4 Addresses
CIDR Description IP Num Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Private Customer (C08326088) 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 CAS Severn Inc (C06995188) 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Baltimore County Public Schools 4096 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 256 Baltimore County Public Schools 512 Conduent Business Services, LLC 256 MLK Software Services 256 Center for American Progress 256 Shepherd University WV 4096
CIDR Description IP NUMs(prefix /64)
2001:559:b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:48::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:7a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:a2::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:ae::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:db::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:110::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:136::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:16a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:1e7::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:202::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:214::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:240::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:246::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:25a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:25b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:282::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:284::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:288::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2b6::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2ca::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2cb::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2ee::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:2f3::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:304::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:30d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:319::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:367::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:377::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:3ba::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:3ca::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:3d2::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:3dc::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:3eb::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:3f1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:42c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:43a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:45a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:45b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:46c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:488::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:489::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:48a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:491::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4a0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4a3::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4a5::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4a8::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:4f3::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:548::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:54b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:574::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:588::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:5b7::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:5c7::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:5cb::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:5cd::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:5d3::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:5ef::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:70d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:714::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:718::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:721::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:724::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:737::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:74b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:758::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:75e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:794::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:7a1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:7aa::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:7be::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:7d0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:7e2::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:7e5::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:7e6::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:7e9::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:7f8::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:7fe::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:800a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:803f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8040::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8041::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8042::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:805e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8061::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:808e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:808f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8090::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80b0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80b1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80b5::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80c2::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80cb::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80d3::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80e9::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80f5::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80fc::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:80fd::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:810e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:811e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8140::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8141::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:814f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8154::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8161::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:816a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:816b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:816d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8171::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:81a3::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:81b5::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:81ca::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:81f0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:81ff::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8212::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8213::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8215::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8247::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8262::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8263::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:82c1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:82c9::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:82d8::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:832a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8331::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8336::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8338::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:833a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:834c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:835c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:836f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:837f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8380::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:83b9::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:83eb::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:840d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8419::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:841b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:841d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8444::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8446::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:846a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:847a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:847e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8486::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:849f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:84af::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:84b3::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:84bc::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:84be::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:84cc::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:84de::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:84e1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8510::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8516::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:857e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:857f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8581::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8582::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8583::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:85a7::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:85ab::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:85bc::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:85cd::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:85e4::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:85ec::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:85f0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8617::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:864a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:865a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:865b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8666::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8667::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8682::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:868a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:869b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:869c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:86ba::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:871d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8722::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8726::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8728::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8740::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:874d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:874e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:874f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:875e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8779::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8786::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:8794::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87b4::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87cc::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:87f5::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c012::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c01c::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c05b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c06a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c083::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c098::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c0c2::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c0c3::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c0c4::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c0c6::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c133::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c140::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c141::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c15e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c176::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c178::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c1a1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c1b5::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c1b8::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c1d3::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c1f0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c209::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c221::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c265::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c277::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c279::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c286::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c29f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c2a0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c2b0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c2b1::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c2c6::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c2d9::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c2e2::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c305::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c307::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c30a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c31a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c320::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c32a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c32e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c334::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c342::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c349::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c351::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c365::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c379::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c37a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c388::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c390::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c39d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c3b0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c3c4::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c3d3::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c3d6::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c3ea::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c3f2::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c3f3::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c3f6::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c42a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c42b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c438::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c43e::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c445::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c44a::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c44b::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c44d::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c454::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c468::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c478::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c48f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c4a7::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c4b0::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c4b8::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c4bf::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c4d9::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c4f7::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c4f8::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c505::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c516::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c526::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c54f::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
2001:559:c572::/48 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC 65536
AS Description Country/Region IPv4 NUMs IPv6 NUMs IPv4 IPv6
AS3356 LEVEL3 - Level 3 Parent, LLC, US United States 29,673,728 77,331,365,888 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS7922 COMCAST-7922 - Comcast Cable Communications, LLC, US United States 70,110,720 36,318,243,520,512 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS Description Country/Region IPv4 NUMs IPv6 NUMs IPv4 IPv6
AS36457 DISTR-21 - District Photo, Inc., US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS393732 BCS - Bogdan Computer Services Inc., US United States 256 262,144 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS3573 ACCENTURE - Accenture LLP, US United States 56,832 12,887,261,184 IPv6 IPv6
AS29 YALE-AS - Yale University, US United States 131,840 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS19316 QUADRANGLE - Quadrangle Development Corporation, US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS46988 MICA-AS - Maryland Institute College of Art, US United States 4,096 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS393473 BURRIS-LOGISTICS - Burris Logistics, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS395145 MCDONOGH - McDonogh School, Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS397934 AAILLC-1 - Latitude AI LLC, US United States 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS11951 MCSP - Medical Computer Systems, US United States 37,376 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS30385 PERDUE-FARMS-INCORPORATED - Perdue Farms Incorporated, US United States 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS400678 IPV4 - LIDL US OPERATIONS, LLC, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS14830 PFA-BETH-AS-1 - ProFund Advisors LLC, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS21683 DALKO-NETWORKS - Dalko, LLC, US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS12245 PRMC-ASN - Peninsula Regional Medical Center, US United States 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS17035 NBCUNI-17035 - NBCUniversal, US United States 15,616 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS22314 COMMUNICATIONS-CORPORATION-OF-AMERICA - Communications Corporation of America, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS33170 MORGAN-STATE-UNIVERSITY - Morgan State University, US United States 65,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS46187 SPY - International Spy Museum, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS396921 US-CBP - U.S. Customs and Border Protection, US United States 3,328 1,048,576 IPv4 IPv4
AS4880 LIFELINE-ASN - Lifeline Systems, Company, US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS11790 RANDOMHOUSE - Random House, Inc., US United States 29,184 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS30641 STATEOFDE - STATE OF DELAWARE, US United States 65,536 268,435,456 IPv4 IPv4
AS33174 PRINCE-WILLIAM-COUNTY-VA-ASN - Prince William County Government Department of IT (DoIT), US United States 512 268,435,456 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS40485 SSB - SANDY SPRING BANK, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS394024 ASHA-HQ - American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS394809 DCCAASN1 - DCCA, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS396848 DEC-139 - Delaware Electric Cooperative, Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS14899 MOBILEXUSA, US United States 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS29865 CONTREALTYCORP - Continental Realty Corporation, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS25696 PDP-GROUP-INC - PDP Group, Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS40410 USFRCS-BGP - FRIT, US United States 19,712 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS393319 ANDURIL-1 - Anduril Industries, Inc., US United States 4,608 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS398322 ESFCU-01 - Educational Systems Federal Credit Union, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS26793 ICS-LLC - ICS Advanced Technologies, US United States 14,848 2,149,318,656 IPv6 IPv6
AS13582 COWAN-ASN - Cowan Systems, LLC, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS22593 BCBSNC-AS - Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina, US United States 29,184 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS397601 CATCHPOINT - Catchpoint Systems Inc, US United States 48 524,288 IPv6 IPv6
AS33512 GATEWAY-PROCESSING-SERVICES - Gateway Processing Services, US United States 2,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS393706 NELSONCABLE - Nelson Cable, Inc, US United States 2,816 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS393997 REDCOATS - Red Coats, Inc, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS396514 CI-AS - Carey International, Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS16881 PRALL-DAVID-C-INTERNET - Prall, Inc., David C, US United States 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS30333 ASCD, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS22596 CHR-823 - UNIVERSAL HEALTH SERVICES, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS46624 BEEBE-MEDICAL-CENTER - Beebe Medical Center Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS16409 PBW-COMMUNICATIONS - PBW Communications, LLC, US United States 3,584 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS19596 CCNY - Clifford Chance US LLP, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS54201 WEWORK-MANAGEMENT-LLC - We Link Networks LLC, US United States 1,024 2,293,760 IPv6 IPv6
AS30067 AACG-AS - Anne Arundel County, Maryland, US United States 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS46784 DPW - Davis Polk & Wardwell, LLP, US United States 3,328 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS396222 TENABLE-NETWORK-SECURITY-INC - Tenable, Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS396322 PC-ASN - Peace Corps, US United States 256 33,816,576 IPv4 IPv4
AS7820 TOWERFCU-AS - Tower Federal Credit Union, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS18744 SMISLOVA-KEHNEMUI-AND-ASSOCIATES-ENGINEERS - Smislova, Kehnemui & Associates, P.A., US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS46200 ITC-146 - IT Curves, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS394112 NTT-GLOBAL-DATA-CENTERS-AMERICA-INC - NTT Global Data Centers Americas, INC., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS18733 ZENIMAXMEDIA - ZeniMax Media Incorporated, US United States 1,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS22101 CPIL-ASN - Cyber Point International, LLC, US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS25716 INGERSOLL-RAND - Trane Technologies Company LLC, US United States 8,192 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS32073 MCPS-K12-MD-US - Montgomery County Public Schools, US United States 64,512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS35777 LTN-AS - LTN Global Communications Inc, US United States 3,840 851,968 IPv4 IPv4
AS53302 BALTIMORECOUNTYGOVERNMENT - Baltimore County Government, US United States 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS6405 AIN - American Information Network, US United States 11,264 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12222 AKAMAI - Akamai Technologies, Inc., US United States 8,448 8,650,752 IPv4 IPv4
AS394077 LIFEBRIDGEHEALTH - Lifebridge Health, Inc., US United States 2,304 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS394984 FDBL-NETWORK - Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP, US United States 1,792 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS30330 ARI-9000 - Automotive Rentals, Inc., US United States 768 131,072 IPv6 IPv6
AS26020 STSCI-NET - Space Telescope Science Institute, US United States 33,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS54116 STROM - Strom Holdings LLC, US United States 1,024 131,072 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25984 MEDSTARHEALTH - MedStar Health, US United States 1,792 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS26114 ANAPLAN - Anaplan, Inc., US United States 6,400 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS53712 WMCLLP - Wellington Management Company LLP, US United States 23,808 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS53862 MCDANIELCOLLEGE - McDaniel College, US United States 4,096 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS11362 VECTOR - Vector Data Systems LLC, US United States 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS14036 STACKAV-01 - Stack AV, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS21963 AS-AGENCYINSURANCEMD-0001 - Agency Insurance Company, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS53793 ACLI, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS5721 NDU-NET - National Defense University, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS19574 CSC - Corporation Service Company, US United States 3,328 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS22962 KENNEDY-NW-DC-US - The Kennedy Center, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS29713 ELIA-60 - Reliable Hosting Services, US United States 6,912 268,566,528 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20137 USAGM-LAN - USAGM, US United States 1,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS32837 WCL-50-AS - Williams & Connolly, LLP, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS40833 NYTD-SEA1 - The New York Times Company, US United States 1,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS63336 ADVENTIST-HEALTHCARE-MARYLAND - Adventist Healthcare, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS14473 I3ASN1-200E - Inside The Internet, Inc, US United States 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS17190 ASN17190 - Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, US United States 6,144 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS19936 GORDONFOODS - Gordon Food Service, US United States 3,072 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS22602 EXPERIENT-INC - Experient Inc., US United States 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS33738 UNITED-STATES-HOLOCAUST-MEMORIAL-MUSEUM - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS784 HJFNET-AS - Henry M. Jackson Foundation for The Advancement of Military Medicine, US United States 65,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS14862 OCEANEERING - Oceaneering International, Inc., US United States 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS26868 NCTA-WASHINGTONDC - NCTA - The Internet & Television Association, US United States 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS42228 Brightstar - Brightstar Limited, GB United Kingdom 19,200 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4
AS53252 PTG-17-ASN - World Wide Technology Holding Co., Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS572 GBMC-TOW - Greater Baltimore Medical Center Inc, US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS22414 CRAIGS-NET-1 - Craigslist, Inc., US United States 1,024 1,048,576 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS16463 DPSINET - Data Processing Solutions, Inc., US United States 3,584 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS393432 NHS14MH - Nanticoke Memorial Hospital INC, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS2384 AOCNET - Architect of the Capitol, US United States 65,792 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS14384 HOSTDESIGNS - HOST DESIGNS, LLC, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS400732 RIVERNET - RiverNet, LLC, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS54849 KANE-IS-ABLE - Kane Warehousing, Inc, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS393330 IRI-BGP - Information Resources Incorporated, US United States 33,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS18478 NATAL-MED - Mednax Services, Inc., US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS31902 OTS - Open Technology Solutions, LLC, US United States 1,792 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS2703 DATAPR-3 - Data-Prompt, Inc., US United States 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS13511 UNIVI-2-ASN - Univision Communications Inc., US United States 2,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS27026 NETWORKMARYLAND, US United States 65,792 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS395009 VECTORWORKS-NET - Vectorworks, Inc., US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS14533 UHCC - The Union Hospital of Cecil County, Inc., US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS15134 PWCSA - Prince William County Service Authority, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS401366 VOX-FLOW - Vox Flow LLC, US United States 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS401533 TGSLLC-02 - TGS, LLC, US United States 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS398820 EA-ASN-01 - Eagle Alliance, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS11131 UMBC-AS - University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), US United States 82,176 1,048,576 IPv6 IPv6
AS40857 PAECOM - IT-CNP, Inc., US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS40954 JMFAMILY - JM Family Enterprises Inc., US United States 2,304 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS53373 MATH-INC - Mathematica, Inc., US United States 1,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS396017 COMCAST-MES - Comcast Cable Communications, LLC, US United States 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS14246 THALESCOMMINC-AS - Thales Communications Inc., US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS36486 AMTOTE-AS - AMTOTE INTERNATIONAL, INC., US United States 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS22815 KELLY-INSURANCE-GROUP - Kelly and Associates Insurance Group, US United States 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS27336 SENTARA-HEALTH-CARE - Sentara Healthcare, US United States 65,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS3705 GPO-NET - U.S. Government Publishing Office, US United States 65,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS10440 MERKLE-INC - Merkle Inc., US United States 1,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
ASNumber:       33657
ASName:         CMCS
ASHandle:       AS33657
RegDate:        2005-02-16
Updated:        2021-01-25    

OrgName:        Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
OrgId:          CCCS
Address:        1800 Bishops Gate Blvd
City:           Mt Laurel
StateProv:      NJ
PostalCode:     08054
Country:        US
RegDate:        2001-09-18
Updated:        2020-11-18

OrgTechHandle: IC161-ARIN
OrgTechName:   Comcast Cable Communications Inc
OrgTechPhone:  +1-856-792-2300 
OrgTechEmail:  [email protected]

OrgRoutingHandle: ROUTI25-ARIN
OrgRoutingName:   Routing
OrgRoutingPhone:  +1-856-792-2300 
OrgRoutingEmail:  [email protected]

OrgAbuseHandle: NAPO-ARIN
OrgAbuseName:   Network Abuse and Policy Observance
OrgAbusePhone:  +1-888-565-4329 
OrgAbuseEmail:  [email protected]