AS Number
AS Name
Org Name
Linux Based Systems Design SA (Pty) Ltd
South Africa




AS328112 Looking Glass






IPv6 NUMs(/64)


10,240 IPv4 Addresses
CIDR Description IP Num LBSD-CPT-CORE-1 AllWorldIT ZA 256 Linux-Based-Systems-Design Linux Based Systems Design (Pty) Ltd 2048 FIBREWIRELESS-1 FibreWireless 256 URB-ICT-BROADBAND-1 URB ICT 128 URB-ICT-BROADBAND-1 URB ICT 256 URB-ICT-BROADBAND-1 URB ICT 8 URB-ICT-BROADBAND-2 URB ICT 256 URB-ICT-BROADBAND-2 URB ICT 8 URB-ICT-BROADBAND-2 URB ICT 16 LBSD-JHB-CORE-1 AllWorldIT ZA 256 LBSD-JHB-FIBRE-1 AllWorldIT ZA 256 LBSD-DBN-FIBRE-1 AllWorldIT ZA 256 Linux-Based-Systems-Design Linux Based Systems Design (Pty) Ltd 256 LBSD-ZA AllWorldIT ZA 256 Linux-Based-Systems-Design2 Linux Based Systems Design Ltd 8192 URB-ICT-BROADBAND-3 URB ICT 256
CIDR Description IP NUMs(prefix /64)
2c0f:f3c8::/48 LBSD-v6-1 AllWorldIT ZA 65536
2c0f:f3c8::/32 Linux-Based-Systems-Design-v6 Linux Based Systems Design (Pty) Ltd 4294967296
2c0f:f3c8:10::/48 Linux-Based-Systems-Design-v6 Linux Based Systems Design (Pty) Ltd 65536
2c0f:f3c8:20::/48 Linux-Based-Systems-Design-v6 Linux Based Systems Design (Pty) Ltd 65536
2c0f:f3c8:90::/48 Linux-Based-Systems-Design-v6 Linux Based Systems Design (Pty) Ltd 65536
2c0f:f3c8:92::/48 Linux-Based-Systems-Design-v6 Linux Based Systems Design (Pty) Ltd 65536
2c0f:f3c8:93::/48 Linux-Based-Systems-Design-v6 Linux Based Systems Design (Pty) Ltd 65536
2c0f:f3c8:95::/48 Linux-Based-Systems-Design-v6 Linux Based Systems Design (Pty) Ltd 65536
2c0f:f3c8:96::/48 Linux-Based-Systems-Design-v6 Linux Based Systems Design (Pty) Ltd 65536
2c0f:f3c8:9f::/48 Linux-Based-Systems-Design-v6 Linux Based Systems Design (Pty) Ltd 65536
AS Description Country/Region IPv4 NUMs IPv6 NUMs IPv4 IPv6
AS140731 TOHU-OP-AP - TOHU Public Internet, CN China 256 37,748,736 IPv6 IPv6
AS398465 RACKDOG-LLC - Rackdog, LLC, US United States 28,416 103,347,650,560 IPv6 IPv6
AS3741 IS - Dimension Data, ZA South Africa 2,608,896 137,439,084,544 IPv4 IPv4
AS14840 BR.Digital Provider, BR Brazil 66,560 14,009,892,864 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS16347 INHERENT - ADISTA SAS, FR France 233,472 386,547,056,640 IPv4 IPv4
AS262589 SAMM TECNOLOGIA E TELECOMUNICACOES S.A, BR Brazil 228,608 34,363,342,848 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34927 iFog-GmbH - iFog GmbH, CH Switzerland 5,376 244,383,744 IPv6 IPv6
AS37497 Network-Platforms - Network Platforms (PTY) LTD, ZA South Africa 14,336 4,294,967,296 IPv6 IPv6
AS917 MISAKA - Misaka Network, Inc., US United States 6,144 1,141,112,832 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS37100 SEACOM-AS - SEACOM Limited, MU Mauritius 1,072,896 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47734 TELECOM-IT-SOLUTIONS-AS - Telecom IT Solutions SRL, RO Romania 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS41327 FIBERTELECOM-AS - Fiber Telecom S.p.A., IT Italy 8,448 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS37680 COOL-IDEAS - Cool Ideas Service Provider (Pty) Ltd, ZA South Africa 70,656 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS37697 webmasters - WEBMASTERS, LDA., MZ Mozambique 4,352 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS37721 Virtual-Technologies-Solutions-SA - Virtual Technologies & Solutions, BF Burkina Faso 15,872 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20932 SIG-ST - Services Industriels de Geneve, CH Switzerland 9,472 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS37239 ICTGLOBE - ICTGlobe Management (Pty) Ltd, ZA South Africa 25,856 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS137409 GSLNETWORKS-AS-AP - GSL Networks Pty LTD, AU Australia 66,816 107,407,736,832 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS37662 WIOCC-AS - West Indian Ocean Cable Company, MU Mauritius 10,240 12,885,032,960 IPv6 IPv6
AS50877 AIRBEAM-AS - Airbeam S.r.l., IT Italy 6,144 34,359,738,368 IPv6 IPv6
AS3399 OBE-NET - Obenetwork AB, SE Sweden 15,104 38,654,771,200 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6461 ZAYO-6461 - Zayo Bandwidth, US United States 1,675,008 18,255,118,336 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS7575 AARNET-AS-AP - Australian Academic and Research Network, AU Australia 1,285,632 25,769,934,848 IPv4 IPv4
AS32437 edgeconnect-legacy - Webdev CC T/A Cybertek, ZA South Africa 6,144 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS58511 ANYCAST-GLOBAL-BACKBONE - Anycast Holdings Pty Ltd, AU Australia 23,552 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS64289 MACARNE - Macarne LLC, US United States 7,168 1,078,460,416 IPv4 IPv4
AS199524 GCORE - G-Core Labs S.A., LU Luxembourg 94,208 111,345,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS9498 BBIL-AP - Bharti Airtel Limited, IN India 2,109,696 4,299,096,064 IPv6 IPv6
AS1031 PEER1-1031 - PEER 1031 LLC, US United States 2,048 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS6057 Administracion Nacional de Telecomunicaciones, UY Uruguay 2,155,520 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS18106 VIEWQWEST-SG-AP - Viewqwest Pte Ltd, SG Singapore 53,248 13,153,337,344 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12552 IPO-EU - GlobalConnect AB, SE Sweden 568,576 274,878,758,912 IPv6 IPv6
AS328206 JAWUG - Johannesburg Area Wireless User Group (JAWUG), ZA South Africa 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS37468 ANGOLA-CABLES - Angola Cables, AO Angola 9,216 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS51184 FONIRA - Fonira Telekom GmbH, AT Austria 12,800 111,669,739,520 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS52320 GlobeNet Cabos Submarinos Colombia, S.A.S., CO Colombia 4,096 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5713 SAIX-NET - Telkom SA Ltd., ZA South Africa 1,989,888 17,596,481,077,248 IPv6 IPv6
AS12637 SEEWEB - SEEWEB s.r.l., IT Italy 89,600 231,928,233,984 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS24482 SGGS-AS-AP - SG.GS, SG Singapore 21,504 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS56630 MELBICOM-EU-AS - Melbikomas UAB, LT Lithuania 47,360 7,247,757,312 IPv4 IPv4
AS327804 TRUSC - Municipal Network Services, ZA South Africa 12,288 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6777 AMS-IX-RS - Amsterdam Internet Exchange B.V., NL Netherlands 0 0 IPv6 IPv6
AS132337 ANSPL-AS-AP - AXCLUSIVE PTE. LTD., SG Singapore 7,936 4,294,967,296 IPv6 IPv6
AS328137 Web-Squad-Connect-AS - Web Squad Connect (Pty) Ltd, ZA South Africa 6,912 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS293 ESNET, US United States 135,680 4,295,163,904 IPv6 IPv6
AS30781 JAGUAR-AS - Free Pro SAS, FR France 97,024 133,144,051,712 IPv6 IPv6
AS57463 NetIX - NetIX Communications JSC, BG Bulgaria 0 0 IPv6 IPv6
AS25091 IP-MAX - IP-Max SA, CH Switzerland 14,848 68,719,607,808 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29075 IELO - IELO-LIAZO SERVICES SAS, FR France 43,264 107,374,182,400 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47147 AS-ANX - ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH, AT Austria 1,536 196,608 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS32653 ENETWORKS - eNetworks cc, ZA South Africa 40,960 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4
AS34224 NETERRA-AS - Neterra Ltd., BG Bulgaria 40,704 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS8529 OMANTEL-AS - Zain Omantel International FZ-LLC, AE United Arab Emirates 6,656 0 IPv6 IPv6
AS21738 ROZINT - Rozint Ltd Co, US United States 1,792 47,278,456,832 IPv6 IPv6
AS28716 RETELIT-AS - Retelit Digital Services S.p.A., IT Italy 47,616 107,374,182,400 IPv6 IPv6
AS1764 NEXTLAYER-AS - Next Layer Telekommunikationsdienstleistungs- und Beratungs GmbH, AT Austria 86,784 274,878,234,624 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8714 LINX-ROUTESRV - London Internet Exchange Ltd., GB United Kingdom 0 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS12779 ITGATE - IT.Gate S.p.A., IT Italy 45,824 42,949,804,032 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47160 MOJI - MOJI SAS, FR France 5,376 34,376,515,584 IPv6 IPv6
AS60539 Huicast_Telecom - Huicast Telecom Limited, HK Hong Kong 1,024 34,376,515,584 IPv6 IPv6
AS37271 Workonline - Workonline Communications(Pty) Ltd, ZA South Africa 9,216 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49544 i3Dnet - B.V, NL Netherlands 94,464 354,874,032,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8218 NEO-ASN - Zayo Infrastructure France SA, FR France 47,360 12,884,967,424 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15547 NETPLUS - SA, CH Switzerland 134,144 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4
AS35360 GARGUNET - Frederic Gargula, CH Switzerland 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS48362 TKSWF-AS - Stadtwerke Feldkirch, AT Austria 7,680 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49605 DTS-AS - Digital Telecommunication Services S.r.l., IT Italy 9,472 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS56987 AS-ABACLOUDA - ABACLOUDA SAS, FR France 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS327960 PC-MANIACS - PC Maniacs (Pty) Ltd, ZA South Africa 2,048 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6939 HURRICANE - Hurricane Electric LLC, US United States 520,704 282,631,699,169,280 IPv6 IPv6
AS13237 LAMBDANET-AS - euNetworks GmbH, DE Germany 572,416 111,669,149,696 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34019 HIVANE - Hivane Association, FR France 2,816 1,245,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS41666 PYRO-AS - Institute for Pyrotechnical Cleaning (limited company), FI Finland 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS33891 CORE-BACKBONE - Core-Backbone GmbH, DE Germany 0 0 IPv6 IPv6
AS9002 RETN-AS - RETN Limited, GB United Kingdom 27,392 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS38022 REANNZ-NZ-AP - Research and Education Advanced Network New Zealand, NZ New Zealand 13,824 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS327983 Interworks-Wireless-Solutions - Interworks Wireless Solutions, ZA South Africa 6,144 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS60171 AFRIX-AS - AFR-IX TELECOM SAU, ES Spain 13,056 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS209823 ENKI-AS - Enki Multimedia EURL, FR France 256 4,295,229,440 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5405 INTERDOTLINK - GmbH, DE Germany 1,280 34,359,738,368 IPv6 IPv6
AS36944 UBUNTU-UNICAST-AS - Ubuntunet Alliance For Research and Education Networking, MW Malawi 2,048 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS559 SWITCH, CH Switzerland 2,184,704 176,093,790,208 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS38193 TWA-AS-AP - TRANSWORLD ASSOCIATES (PVT) LIMITED, PK Pakistan 25,344 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47692 NESSUS - Nessus GmbH, AT Austria 35,584 34,359,869,440 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35280 F5 - F5 Networks SARL, FR France 51,968 81,604,378,624 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS1267 ASN-WINDTRE - WIND TRE S.P.A., IT Italy 6,567,936 2,233,382,993,920 IPv6 IPv6
AS7195 EDGEUNO S.A.S, CO Colombia 31,232 4,276,158,464 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15605 CONNESI - Connesi s.p.a., IT Italy 20,992 17,179,869,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31510 IKB-AS - Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe AG, AT Austria 27,904 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS Description Country/Region IPv4 NUMs IPv6 NUMs IPv4 IPv6
AS328474 Jebo-Connect-AS - Jebo Connect Pty Ltd, ZA South Africa 4,096 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6

Peers at this Exchange Point

Country/Region IX IPv4 IPv6 Port Speed Updated
United States SIX Seattle - Seattle Internet Exchange (MTU 1500) 2001:504:16::5:1b0 10 Gbps 2024-04-19 21:37:42
Netherlands AMS-IX - Amsterdam Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:1:0:a500:32:8112:1 10 Gbps 2024-08-07 13:53:19
South Africa NAPAfrica IX Cape Town - NAPAfrica IX Cape Town 2001:43f8:6d1::43 10 Gbps 2020-04-16 22:24:39
South Africa NAPAfrica IX Johannesburg - NAPAfrica IX Johannesburg 2001:43f8:6d0::8112 10 Gbps 2017-02-23 18:31:22
South Africa NAPAfrica IX Durban - NAPAfrica IX Durban 2001:43f8:6d2::43 10 Gbps 2017-02-23 18:31:58
South Africa JINX - Johannesburg Internet Exchange 2001:43f8:1f0::74 10 Gbps 2022-11-07 20:22:36
South Africa CINX - Cape Town Internet Exchange 2001:43f8:1f1::74 10 Gbps 2022-10-14 09:34:51
Italy SIIX Pomezia - Southern Italy Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:112::19 20 Gbps 2024-10-17 16:20:18
United Kingdom LINX LON1 - London Internet Exchange Ltd. 2001:7f8:4::5:1b0:1 10 Gbps 2023-12-01 10:19:48
Switzerland FogIXP - Fog Internet Exchange Point 2001:7f8:ca:1:0:32:8112:1 10 Gbps 2024-04-13 16:03:09
United States KCIX - Kansas City Internet Exchange 2001:504:1b:1::240 10 Gbps 2024-04-17 02:40:34
United States HOUIX - Houston Internet Exchange 2001:504:9e::58 10 Gbps 2024-04-17 02:47:44
United States STLIX - Saint Louis Internet Exchange 2001:504:98::88 10 Gbps 2024-04-17 02:48:36
United States SpringIX - Springfield Internet eXchange 2001:504:100::14 10 Gbps 2024-04-17 02:49:40
United States F4IX MCI - F4 Internet Exchange 2602:fa3d:f4:1::31 10 Gbps 2024-04-18 03:04:16
United States SIX Seattle (Jumbo) - Seattle Internet Exchange (MTU 9000) 2001:504:16:1::5:1b0 10 Gbps 2024-04-19 21:38:18
Netherlands INTERIX - InterIX Internet Exchange Amsterdam 2001:7f8:134::82 10 Gbps 2024-04-23 09:43:34
Netherlands NL-ix - Neutral Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:13::a532:8112:1 0 Mbps 2024-04-23 23:05:06
United States MICE - Midwest Internet Cooperative Exchange 2001:504:27:0:5:1b0:0:1 10 Gbps 2024-04-26 22:37:39
Netherlands ERA-IX - ERA-IX 2001:7f8:12a::114 10 Gbps 2024-05-03 08:42:34
Netherlands Speed-IX - Speed Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:b7::a532:8112:1 10 Gbps 2024-05-21 21:37:06
Netherlands LSIX - LayerSwitch Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:8f::a532:8112:1 10 Gbps 2024-05-23 09:41:23
Netherlands Frys-IX - The Frisian Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:10f::5:1b0:60 0 Mbps 2024-05-24 08:38:39
Germany DE-CIX Frankfurt 2001:7f8::5:1b:0:1 10 Gbps 2024-08-22 05:37:11

Private Peering Facilities

Country/Region Name City Website Updated
NIKHEF Amsterdam Amsterdam 2024-04-17 03:02:02
Telehouse - London (Docklands East) London 2018-11-15 22:46:38
Digital Realty Frankfurt FRA1-16 Frankfurt 2018-11-15 22:47:42
Equinix FR5 - Frankfurt, KleyerStrasse Frankfurt 2018-11-15 22:44:23
Digital Realty Amsterdam AMS3, AMS5-8, AMS10 Amsterdam 2018-11-15 22:47:32
Teraco Johannesburg Campus, South Africa Johannesburg 2017-02-23 18:32:09
Teraco CT1 Cape Town, South Africa Cape Town 2017-02-22 02:13:26
Teraco DB1 Durban, South Africa Durban 2017-02-23 18:32:18
1530 SWIFT - NOCIX North Kansas City 2024-04-17 03:01:49
C1V Hosting DC Pomezia 2024-04-05 13:29:59
IP Address Domain NUMs Domains 1 1
aut-num:        AS328112
as-name:        Linux-Based-Systems-Design-AS
descr:          Linux Based Systems Design (Pty) Ltd
status:         ASSIGNED
org:            ORG-LBSD1-AFRINIC
admin-c:        NK16-AFRINIC
tech-c:         AH49-AFRINIC
tech-c:         AZS1-AFRINIC
notify:         [email protected]
notify:         [email protected]
notify:         [email protected]
notify:         [email protected]
mnt-irt:        IRT-LBSD-ABUSE
mnt-routes:     LBSD1-MNT
mnt-by:         AFRINIC-HM-MNT
changed:        [email protected] 20161214
changed:        [email protected] 20161220
changed:        [email protected] 20170713
source:         AFRINIC

organisation:   ORG-LBSD1-AFRINIC
org-name:       Linux Based Systems Design SA (Pty) Ltd
org-type:       LIR
country:        ZA
address:        1st Floor, Foyer 3
address:        The Colosseum
address:        Century City
address:        Cape Town 7441
e-mail:         [email protected]
e-mail:         [email protected]
e-mail:         [email protected]
phone:          tel:+27-87-944-4222
phone:          tel:+27-87-944-4221
admin-c:        NK16-AFRINIC
tech-c:         AZS1-AFRINIC
tech-c:         AH49-AFRINIC
mnt-ref:        AFRINIC-HM-MNT
mnt-ref:        LBSD1-MNT
mnt-by:         AFRINIC-HM-MNT
notify:         [email protected]
changed:        [email protected] 20161212
changed:        [email protected] 20161212
changed:        [email protected] 20161214
changed:        [email protected] 20161214
changed:        [email protected] 20161220
changed:        [email protected] 20170222
changed:        [email protected] 20171212
changed:        [email protected] 20190129
changed:        [email protected] 20210803
changed:        [email protected] 20240215
source:         AFRINIC

role:           AllWorldIT Hostmaster
address:        27 Old Gloucester Street
address:        London WC1N 3AX
address:        United Kingdom
e-mail:         [email protected]
e-mail:         [email protected]
admin-c:        NK16-AFRINIC
tech-c:         NK16-AFRINIC
nic-hdl:        AH49-AFRINIC
mnt-by:         LBSD1-MNT
changed:        [email protected] 20161214
changed:        [email protected] 20170707
changed:        [email protected] 20170820
source:         AFRINIC

role:           AllWorldIT ZA Support
nic-hdl:        AZS1-AFRINIC
address:        Suite 120, Private Bag X3
address:        Roggebaai 8012
address:        South Africa
e-mail:         [email protected]
admin-c:        NK16-AFRINIC
tech-c:         NK16-AFRINIC
mnt-by:         LBSD1-MNT
changed:        [email protected] 20161214
changed:        [email protected] 20170820
changed:        [email protected] 20240213
source:         AFRINIC

person:         Nigel Kukard
nic-hdl:        NK16-AFRINIC
address:        Suite 120, Private Bag X3
address:        Roggebaai 8012
address:        South Africa
e-mail:         [email protected]
phone:          tel:+27-82-333-3723
changed:        [email protected] 20161214
changed:        [email protected] 20240213
source:         AFRINIC