The list below shows how many ASNs are assigned to each country. Click on the country links to see more details about the specific ASNs and IP addresses that belong to each country.

AS Numbers: 74 | Build: 2025-02-14
ASN Name IPv4 Num IPs IPv6 Num IPs(/64)
AS2561 EUN - Egyptian Universities Network (EUN), EG 20,480 0
AS6127 IDSC, EG 14,848 0
AS8452 TE-AS - TE-AS, EG 7,586,304 77,309,411,328
AS8524 eg-auc - The American University in Cairo (AUC), EG 4,352 0
AS15475 NOL - Nile Online, EG 166,144 0
AS20928 NOOR-AS - The Noor Group, EG 196,608 0
AS24835 RAYA-AS - Vodafone Data, EG 2,460,672 4,294,967,296
AS24863 LINKdotNET-AS - Link Egypt (Link.NET), EG 1,594,112 17,592,186,044,416
AS25364 EgyptCyberCenter-AS - Egypt Cyber Center aka ECC Solutions, EG 2,816 0
AS25576 AFMIC, EG 8,448 0
AS30993 Egypt-Centers - Egypt Centers, EG 6,656 0
AS30995 CIBEG-AS - Vodafone Data, EG 1,024 0
AS31065 MCIT - Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, EG 5,888 0
AS31619 CITYSTARS-AS - City Stars, EG 8,192 0
AS33777 EGYPT-NETWORK - CEQUENS TECHNOLOGIES-Egyptian Joint-Stock Company, EG 256 0
AS33778 Mantrac-Group-AS - Mantrac Group, EG 2,048 0
AS33782 BA-AS - Bibliotheca Alexandrina, EG 8,192 0
AS33785 CITYNET - City Net Telecom, EG 3,840 4,294,967,296
AS36870 IT-WORX - ITWorx, EG 768 0
AS36906 ELNG - The Egyptian Operating Company for Natural Gas Liquefaction Projects SAE, EG 1,024 0
AS36929 ASCBE - Central Bank of Egypt, EG 256 0
AS36935 Vodafone-EG - Vodafone Data, EG 2,132,224 2,147,483,648
AS36978 EFG - EFG Hermes Holding, EG 1,280 0
AS36990 Alkan-AS - ALKAN Telecom, EG 1,024 0
AS36992 ETISALAT-MISR - ETISALAT MISR, EG 6,216,704 12,884,901,888
AS37003 Xceed-as - Xceed Contact Center, EG 768 0
AS37031 MIST-EG - MISR Information Services and Trading, EG 4,096 0
AS37066 MFA-AS - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, EG 1,024 0
AS37069 MOBINIL - The Egyptian Company for Mobile Services (Mobinil), EG 4,434,432 65,536
AS37091 AL-Ahli-BANK - Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait Egypt S.A.E, EG 256 0
AS37112 DarCairoAS - Dar Al-Handasah, EG 1,280 0
AS37191 Raya-Holding - Raya Holding, EG 3,072 0
AS37193 E-FINANCE, EG 1,280 0
AS37252 GBAUTO - GB Auto, EG 512 0
AS37279 EGYPTIAN-BANK - Egyptian Banks Company, EG 256 0
AS37339 MSCC - Network International Payment Services, EG 256 0
AS37348 CAC - Cairo American College, EG 512 0
AS37437 CICH - CI Capital Holding, EG 256 0
AS37444 SCCT, EG 256 0
AS37583 CreditAgricoleEgypt - Credit Agricole Egypt, EG 512 0
AS37585 NSGB - Qatar National Bank Al Ahli (QNB AA), EG 256 0
AS37664 RayaCC - Raya Contact Center, EG 768 0
AS207740 AMIRGT-AS - Youssef Hamed, EG 0 196,608
AS327838 EGYPT-LINX - Egypt Linx for Communication Services, EG 256 0
AS327846 Wadi-Degla-Investments-WDI - Wadi Degla Investments(WDI), EG 256 0
AS328011 Children-Cancer-Hospital - Children Cancer Hospital - Foundation 57357, EG 256 0
AS328052 Orascom-Construction-AS - Orascom Construction, EG 256 0
AS328062 Audi-Bank-AS - Audi Bank S.A.E., EG 256 0
AS328067 EGIT-Technology-AS - E.G.I.T. for Technology Services, EG 1,024 0
AS328105 MES-AS - The International Educational Systems and its branch Modern English School, Cairo, EG 256 0
AS328299 Attijariwafa-AS - Attijariwafa Bank Egypt S.A.E, EG 2,048 0
AS328308 Azurde-Jewelry-AS - L'Azurde Company For Jewelry, EG 256 0
AS328405 Link-Datacenter-For-Data-Circulation - Link Datacenter For Data Circulation, EG 2,304 0
AS328430 Fawry-Banking-Electronic-Payment-AS - Fawry for Banking and Electronic Payment Technology Services (S.A.E), EG 256 0
AS328484 TBE-Egypt-AS - TBE Egypt for Payment Solutions and Services S.A.E, EG 256 0
AS328553 Bank-Misr - Bank Misr S.A.E, EG 256 0
AS328587 Ministry-of-Interior-EG - Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, EG 1,024 0
AS328629 Egyptian-Credit-Bureau - Egyptian Credit Bureau Estealam S.A.E, EG 256 0
AS328645 egyptian-stock-exchange - The Egyptian Stock Exchange, EG 1,024 0
AS328654 Fixed-Solutions - Fixed Solutions, EG 256 0
AS328762 Mansoora-University - Mansoura University, EG 768 0
AS328786 ValU, EG 512 0
AS328794 VISL1-AS - Vodafone International Services L.L.C, EG 768 0
AS328876 Unipak-AS - Unipak Nile Ltd, EG 768 0
AS328927 FixedMEA-TE - Fixed Solutions, EG 256 0
AS328972 Geidea-Technology-AS - Geidea Technology, EG 1,024 0
AS329114 HFTA1-AS - Halan for technology and services, EG 512 0
AS329131 NBOK-AS - National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) - Egypt - S.A.E, EG 256 0
AS329132 National-Company-for-Telecommunication-Service - National Company for Telecommunication Services, EG 1,024 0
AS329325 Maxko-for-Gaming-Development - Maxko for Gaming Development, EG 1,024 68,719,476,736
AS329336 WhiTech, EG 512 0
AS329352 IP4Solutions, EG 0 65,536
AS329359 Agility-Infrastructure - Agility Infrastructure a limited liability company, EG 256 0
IPv4: 24918272 | IPv6: 17761837580288