The list below shows how many ASNs are assigned to each country. Click on the country links to see more details about the specific ASNs and IP addresses that belong to each country.
ASN | Name | IPv4 Num IPs | IPv6 Num IPs(/64) |
AS3178 | WideTelecom-AS - FastLine For Communication And Information Technology Ltd, IQ | 2,048 | 4,294,967,296 |
AS3194 | SatGate-Iraq - SatGate Company for Trading of Computers Systems and Communications Appliances WLL, IQ | 2,048 | 0 |
AS12952 | Knowledge-Path-ISP-ASN - Knowledge Path for Information Technology and General Trading Ltd, IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS21277 | Newroz-Telecom-ASN - Allay Nawroz Telecom Company for Communication/Ltd., IQ | 67,072 | 8,589,934,592 |
AS34515 | NextNet-AS - Next Net for Internet and IT Services LTD, IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS34929 | jt-wan-as - Al-Jazeera Al-Arabiya Company for Communication and Internet LTD, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS35160 | IQ-CCLTD - Communications and Media Commission (CMC), IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS39216 | ALSARD - AL-SARD FIBER Co. for Internet Fiber and Optical Cable Services /Ltd., IQ | 9,216 | 327,680 |
AS41032 | IQNETWORKS-Baghdad - IQ Networks for Data and Internet Services Ltd, IQ | 2,304 | 536,870,912 |
AS41805 | IQ-SAWADLAND-AS - SAWAD LAND for Information Technology Ltd, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS44217 | IQNETWORKS - IQ Networks for Data and Internet Services Ltd, IQ | 13,312 | 4,294,967,296 |
AS48175 | ant - Advanced Networking Technologies (A.N.T.) Company for Information Technology Ltd, IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS48407 | TIGRISNET-IRAQ - TigrisNet, IQ | 4,864 | 0 |
AS48492 | IQ-Online - I.Q Online for Internet Services and Communications LLC, IQ | 4,352 | 0 |
AS49571 | CELLNET-AS - CELLNET Company for Internet Services Ltd., IQ | 2,560 | 0 |
AS49760 | Al-HaYaT-FTTH - Hayat for Internet & communication LLC, IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS50597 | ScopeSky - ScopeSky for communications, internet and technology services LLC, IQ | 10,752 | 0 |
AS51018 | IQ-7NETLAYERS-AS - Seven Net Layers for General Trading & Information Technology LTD., IQ | 20,480 | 4,294,967,296 |
AS51020 | JAZ_Wireless - Al-Jazeera Al-Arabiya Company for Communication and Internet LTD, IQ | 5,376 | 0 |
AS51539 | ASN-AUIS-NET - The American University of Iraq-Sulaimani, IQ | 2,048 | 34,359,738,368 |
AS51684 | ASIACELL - ASIACELL COMMUNICATIONS PJSC, IQ | 16,128 | 4,194,304 |
AS52059 | IDB - International Development Bank for Islamic Investment and Finance (P.S.C), IQ | 768 | 0 |
AS57053 | Etisall - Etisall Company for Internet Services, Communication Services, Information Technology and Commercial Agencies Ltd., IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS57324 | GCCIT - Al Lawn Al Akhdar International Company for Communications and Information Technology Ltd., IQ | 8,960 | 8,589,934,592 |
AS57588 | HAYAT-ISP-ASN - Hayat for Internet & communication LLC, IQ | 4,352 | 196,608 |
AS57761 | ASN-SPW - Speedway General Trading, Information Technology and Internet Communications Co. Ltd., IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS57908 | IQ-BILADALRAFIDAIN - Bilad Al-Rafidain Company for Informatics and Communications Services Ltd, IQ | 768 | 0 |
AS58322 | halasat - Hala Al Rafidain Company for Communications and Internet LTD., IQ | 8,704 | 0 |
AS59422 | Etisall - Etisall Company for Internet Services, Communication Services, Information Technology and Commercial Agencies Ltd., IQ | 1,280 | 0 |
AS59588 | ZAINAS-IQ - Al Atheer Telecommunication-Iraq Co. Ltd. Incorporated in Cayman Islands, IQ | 9,472 | 327,680 |
AS59625 | KorekTel - Korek Telecom Company for Communications LLC, IQ | 1,792 | 16,777,216 |
AS60540 | Etisall - Etisall Company for Internet Services, Communication Services, Information Technology and Commercial Agencies Ltd., IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS60815 | Datanet-Telecom - Data Net Telecom Co. Ltd, IQ | 2,048 | 0 |
AS61271 | UMM - UNITED MIX MEDIA Company for television broadcasting, media services and art production Ltd, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS62223 | Time-Net - Time-Net Private Company for Internet and Wireless Services Ltd., IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS62368 | Omnnea - Kafeel Al Omnnea for the Distribution of Communication equipments LTD, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS62419 | Iraq-FTTH - I.Q Online for Internet Services and Communications LLC, IQ | 1,280 | 0 |
AS197305 | IQ-BILADALRAFIDAIN-20110111 - Bilad Al-Rafidain Company for Informatics and Communications Services Ltd, IQ | 1,280 | 0 |
AS197390 | Majnoon_Oil_Field - Al Marafaa Co. for General Trading, Services, Information Technology and Contracts Ltd., IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS197882 | Tarin - Tarin General Trading and Setting Up Internet Device LTD, IQ | 7,168 | 131,072 |
AS197893 | ELSUHD-AS - Elsuhd Company for Communications Services, Cybersecurity, Information Technology, Electronic Governance, and Commercial Agencies, Ltd., IQ | 1,792 | 0 |
AS198169 | SCIS-AS - Informatics and Telecommunications Public Company (ITPC), IQ | 1,280 | 0 |
AS198183 | Nawand-Telecom - Nawand Telecom Ltd./private company, IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS198589 | JT-AS - Al-Jazeera Al-Arabiya Company for Communication and Internet LTD, IQ | 5,888 | 65,536 |
AS198735 | HRiNS-AS - Hilal Al-Rafidain for Computer and Internet Services Co., Ltd., IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS199826 | IQSTC-IQ - Smart Technology for Communications Services LLC, IQ | 768 | 0 |
AS200178 | TARIK-ALTHURAYA-TRANSIT - Tarik Al-thuraya Company For Communications Service Ltd., IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS200179 | AGS - Abbas Ghanim Saddam, IQ | 0 | 16,777,216 |
AS200200 | Al-Wataniya - Iraq Al-wataniyah Co. for Telecom Services Ltd., IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS200485 | NassIraq - Nass Al Iraq for trading, general contracting, technical solutions, internet services and communications services Limited Liability Company, IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS200654 | TORNET-AS - Tornet General Trading and Communication Services LLC, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS200865 | Tishknet - TISHK NET Company for WIMAX technology and Internet Service Limited, IQ | 9,216 | 0 |
AS201031 | SMART-WAVES-NETWORK - Smart Waves for Information Technology and Internet Services Ltd., IQ | 2,304 | 0 |
AS201089 | Infinity - Experience Infinity technology Internet Service Company Ltd., IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS201320 | ATC - Advanced Technology for Communications Services Ltd., IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS201668 | samamadinaty - Sama Madeniti for Communication & Internet Ltd., IQ | 768 | 0 |
AS201749 | iq-supercell - SUPER CELL NETWORK FOR INTERNET SERVICES LTD, IQ | 6,912 | 0 |
AS202055 | QematAlwasat - Qemat Al-Wasat Company, IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS202316 | Baghdad-Link - Baghdad Link to Internet Services Provider and Information Technology LLC, IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS202651 | NBTEL-FTTH - Noor Al-Bedaya for General Trading, agricultural investments, Technical production and distribution, internet services, general services, Information technology and software Ltd, IQ | 1,280 | 0 |
AS202672 | iNet-ASN - iNet LLC, IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS202777 | iraq-iraqnanetworks - Aufuq Iraqna for Internet services and Software solutions LTD, IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS203214 | HulumTele - Hulum Almustakbal Company for Communication Engineering and Services Ltd, IQ | 328,448 | 17,179,869,184 |
AS203217 | HORIZON-SCOPE-IQ - Horizon Scope Mobile Telecom WLL, IQ | 14,848 | 131,072 |
AS203257 | nexus - Layth Zuhair Zahid, IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS203409 | giganet-iq - Nawafeth Al-hadhara for Internet and Information Systems Co.,Ltd, IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS203459 | almarajiraq - AL-MARAJ AL-ALAMIYA Co, IQ | 1,280 | 0 |
AS203653 | NOORAL-QAMAR - Noor Al-Qamar Co. For Internet Ltd., IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS203735 | Capacities-LTD - Net Tech Ltd, IQ | 1,536 | 0 |
AS203904 | decbs - Domain Earth for Communication and Banking Solutions with Limited Liability, IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS203982 | eia-as - ERBIL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS204152 | Orient - Orient Company for internet services LTD, IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS204249 | PAIK-LTD - "PAIK" Company for Communication and General Trade Importation& Exportation Limited, IQ | 1,024 | 65,536 |
AS204473 | ASWAR - Aswar Al-Karam for General trading and Communications Projects Ltd, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS204798 | Maxlink-AS - Max Link Company Ltd, IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS205049 | IQ-TECHNOFAST - Techno Fast Company Ltd., IQ | 1,024 | 12,884,901,888 |
AS205169 | Al-Taif-ASN - Al-Taif For Technical Solutions Co. LTD., IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS205254 | Valeen - Valin Company for General Trading and Communication LTD, IQ | 3,072 | 34,359,738,368 |
AS205371 | Zana-company - Zana Mohammed Mahdi A.Rahman company for Internet Service Provider LTD, IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS205470 | IEG - Iraq Electronic Gate for Financial Services Co. Ltd, IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS205473 | IQ-SAWADLAND-AS - SAWAD LAND for Information Technology Ltd, IQ | 768 | 0 |
AS205800 | STEPS-TELECOM-AS - Steps Telecom For Internet Ltd., IQ | 2,304 | 0 |
AS205814 | ORBIT-NETWORK - Orbit Network for Information Technology Co., Ltd., IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS205889 | giganineveh - Giga Nineveh for internet services Ltd, IQ | 2,560 | 0 |
AS205906 | SCIS-AS - Informatics and Telecommunications Public Company (ITPC), IQ | 2,048 | 0 |
AS206190 | AlAthrae - Alathrae Company for Information Technology Limited, IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS206206 | KNET - Kurdistan Net Company for Computer and Internet Ltd., IQ | 11,264 | 131,072 |
AS206391 | IQ-Fancy - Fancy Net Company Ltd, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS206471 | IQ-Najim - Najim Al Iraq Ltd, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS206611 | ISPGROUP - Provider for General Trading and Internet Services, LLC, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS206641 | Iraqisky - IraqSky Communications and Internet Limited Liability Company, IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS206706 | IQSTS - Iraq Smart Technologies Co. for Internet Services and Information Technology Ltd., IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS207097 | Online-Company-Ltd - Online Company for Technological Information, Supply of Electronic Equipment and Internet Services Through Wifi Ltd., IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS207138 | LiveLinkISP - Live Link Internet Service Provider PVT LTD., IQ | 1,280 | 0 |
AS207264 | RapidNet - RapidNet for Internet Services and Communications/Ltd, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS207281 | Matrix-Communications - Matrix Private Company for Communications and Internet Services Ltd. Liability, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS207786 | Super-Network-IQ - super network for internet service ltd, IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS207928 | ALTAMEER - ALTAMEER for Trading , General Transportation and Electromechanical Services Ltd, IQ | 768 | 0 |
AS208023 | GCG - Global Cloud Games for video games and general trading co. ltd, IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS208131 | CLOUD-IQ - Cloud Company for General Services Ltd, IQ | 768 | 0 |
AS208324 | NBTEL-Downstream - Noor Al-Bedaya for General Trading and Agricultural, Ltd., IQ | 8,704 | 0 |
AS208365 | shamstelecom - Shams Telecom Networks and Internet Service Ltd, IQ | 1,792 | 0 |
AS208570 | spark-iq - Spark for Information Technology Services Ltd, IQ | 1,792 | 0 |
AS208859 | FactLtd - FACT LTD, IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS209273 | HRiNS - Hilal Al-Rafidain for Computer and Internet Services Co., Ltd., IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS209348 | npisp - Nass Al Iraq for trading, general contracting, technical solutions, internet services and communications services Limited Liability Company, IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS209733 | PIT - prospective information technology ltd, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS210016 | TARIK-ALTHURAYA-FTTH - Tarik Al-thuraya Company For Communications Service Ltd., IQ | 1,536 | 0 |
AS210021 | DIL - DIL Technology Limited, IQ | 4,608 | 327,680 |
AS210022 | Iraqcell - Trade Link Logistics General Trading & Contracting Company W.L.L., L.L.C., IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS210095 | AlMadar - TAYF AL-MADAR for Internet Services Pvt. Ltd company, IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS210194 | Elaf-Alrafideen-Ltd - Elaf Alrafideen for Communication & Networks Facilities and trade computers co. LTD, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS210402 | Halasat-FTTX - Hala Al Rafidain Company for Communications and Internet LTD., IQ | 7,168 | 0 |
AS210413 | SmartLink-KRG - Smart Link Company for Internet Service, special company and limited responsibility, IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS210509 | optline - Optimum Line for Internet Services Ltd., IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS210513 | MASARAT-ALIRAQ - Masarat Al-Iraq Information Technology Co., Ltd, IQ | 512 | 34,359,738,368 |
AS210837 | ROYA-Communications-and-Internet-Services-Company-Ltd - ROYA Communications and Internet Services Company Ltd., IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS211090 | DIL - DIL Technology Limited, IQ | 1,280 | 0 |
AS211181 | IRAQ-IXP - Civilisation Information Technology, communication and internet services Co., LTD, IQ | 512 | 4,294,967,296 |
AS211513 | AH-EBL - Al Lawn Al Akhdar International Company for Communications and Information Technology Ltd., IQ | 256 | 4,294,967,296 |
AS211534 | iq-ishtargate - Ishtar Gate for e-Payment Systems and Services (PSC), IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS211732 | alrooya - AL ROOYA Co. For communication and Internet Services LTD, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS211841 | Dar-Al-Salam - Dar Al-Salam Co. for Internet Services and Information Technology Ltd, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS211908 | HORIZON-SCOPE-Z5 - Horizon Scope Mobile Telecom WLL, IQ | 3,584 | 0 |
AS211970 | TARIK-ALTHURAYA - Tarik Al-thuraya Company For Communications Service Ltd., IQ | 2,816 | 0 |
AS211986 | galaxynet - Galaxy Network Co. For Internet Services Ltd, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS212280 | Light-Luster - Light Luster Co. for Internet Services, LTD, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS212330 | IRAQIXP - Civilisation Information Technology, communication and internet services Co., LTD, IQ | 4,096 | 16,777,216 |
AS212338 | OneTouch - Al-Lamsa Al-Wahida Company for Communication Services & Internet Ltd, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS212376 | Kits - Tarin General Trading and Setting Up Internet Device LTD, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS212573 | Technology-International-AS - FastIraq, LLC, IQ | 256 | 65,536 |
AS212850 | omnya - Omnia Alkher for internet services Limited Liability/Private Company, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS213098 | Pirmam - Pirmam For Information Technology Services Ltd, IQ | 1,280 | 0 |
AS214739 | GalaxyIQ - Galaxy Capacity for Electronic Equipment Trading Ltd, IQ | 1,024 | 0 |
AS214774 | Mina-Iraq-Trading-and-General-Contracting-Company-Limited - Mina Iraq Trading and General Contracting Company Limited, IQ | 512 | 0 |
AS214893 | Etisall - Etisall Company for Internet Services, Communication Services, Information Technology and Commercial Agencies Ltd., IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS215160 | wellownet - Wellow Net Company for Internet Services LTD, IQ | 512 | 4,294,967,296 |
AS215311 | REGXA-CLOUD - Regxa Company for Information Technology Ltd, IQ | 6,400 | 34,359,738,368 |
AS215369 | IQSTS-International-AS - Iraq Smart Technologies Co. for Internet Services and Information Technology Ltd., IQ | 0 | 17,179,869,184 |
AS215597 | Asiacell-2 - ASIACELL COMMUNICATIONS PJSC, IQ | 2,560 | 458,752 |
AS215839 | netspot - Net Spot Company for Information Technology and Telecommunications LTD, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS215917 | WEB-TELECOM - Ali Thamir Hikmat, IQ | 256 | 0 |
AS216346 | INDC - General Secretariat of the council of Ministers, IQ | 768 | 0 |