The list below shows how many ASNs are assigned to each country. Click on the country links to see more details about the specific ASNs and IP addresses that belong to each country.

AS Numbers: 43 | Build: 2025-03-04
ASN Name IPv4 Num IPs IPv6 Num IPs(/64)
AS12754 coolnet - Coolnet New Communication Provider, PS 32,768 4,294,967,296
AS12975 PALTEL-AS - Palestine Telecommunications Company (PALTEL), PS 552,448 4,294,967,296
AS15975 Hadara-AS - Hadara Technologies Private Shareholding Company, PS 7,936 0
AS20719 PS-BZU-AS - Birzeit University, PS 2,048 0
AS29310 JAWWAL, PS 2,816 0
AS35385 QOU - Al Quds Open University, PS 768 0
AS42013 Together-Communication-LTD - Together Communication LTD, PS 5,120 34,359,738,368
AS42314 fusion - Fusion Internet Services Company LLC, PS 768 0
AS42506 PPU-AS - Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU), PS 1,024 0
AS44213 NewStarMAX-ASN - Thaer A. T. Abuyousef trading as Abuyousef Co & Partners For General Trade, PS 1,536 0
AS47154 HUSAM-Network - HUSAM A. H. HIJAZI, PS 256 0
AS47253 AS-BNETSET - BCI Telecommunication & Advanced Technology Company, PS 22,016 0
AS47546 asadnet - Asad Tom trading as AsadNet, PS 2,048 0
AS48270 inetsolutionsps - iNET Solutions for computer Co., PS 1,024 0
AS48966 WPT - Wataniya Palestine Mobile Telecommunication Company PLC, PS 1,792 0
AS49248 ULSA-AS - Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, PS 256 65,536
AS50330 BOP-AS - Bank of Palestine, PS 256 0
AS51336 Gemzo - Gemzo information technology Private Joint-Stock company, PS 17,152 0
AS51407 Mada-AS - Mada Al-Arab General Services Company, PS 110,848 34,359,738,368
AS51440 CallU - Call U Communications Ltd., PS 768 0
AS51737 SUPERLINK-AS - Super Link Communications Co. Ltd, PS 512 0
AS52145 ZONE-AS - ZONE Technologies Ltd, PS 1,024 0
AS56995 netstream - NetStream Technology Joint-Stock Private Ltd., PS 4,096 0
AS57704 SPEED-CLICK-LTD - SpeedClick for Information Technology and Communication Ltd, PS 1,024 0
AS59394 The-National-Bank-ASNumber - The National Bank PLC, PS 256 0
AS61417 PIX-PS - Palestine Internet Exchange Point, PS 1,024 0
AS197350 zaytona - AL Zaytona Company For Communication Ltd., PS 7,936 0
AS197708 PalpayAS - PalPay For Electronic Payment System Company, PS 256 0
AS199895 AAUJ-AS - Arab American University, PS 512 0
AS199979 PIB-AS - Palestine Islamic Bank Public shareholding company, PS 512 0
AS204626 MUCASN - Modern University College, PS 512 0
AS205205 ps-badawi - Badawi information systems Ltd, PS 256 0
AS207951 PIB-AS - Palestine Investment Bank, PS 256 0
AS208031 MazayaNET - MazayaNET Communication Services Co., PS 1,024 0
AS208071 Injazat-AS - Injazat Technologies LTD, PS 1,024 0
AS208473 ASN-furrera - Furrera For Telecommunication & Internet Services Co. Private Shareholding Company, PS 512 0
AS210116 PS-QUINTIEZ - Quintiez Alfa General Trading Co., PS 512 0
AS210974 AjyalFI - AjyalFi Company for Information and Communication Technology LLC, PS 1,792 0
AS211057 ps-astra - Astra for Telecommunication and IT Services, PS 3,072 0
AS211466 MTDE-PSIX-AS - Ministry of Telecommunication & Digital Economy, PS 768 34,359,738,368
AS213207 TechHub-HiNet - TechHub company for trading investment and technology, PS 1,024 0
AS214920 NEDCO-AS - Northern Electricity Distribution Company (NEDCO), PS 256 0
AS215886 Zainco-co-AS - The Zainco Company for Internet Services and Information Technology JSC, PS 512 0
IPv4: 792320 | IPv6: 111669215232