The list below shows how many ASNs are assigned to each country. Click on the country links to see more details about the specific ASNs and IP addresses that belong to each country.

AS Numbers: 9 | Build: 2025-03-07
ASN Name IPv4 Num IPs IPv6 Num IPs(/64)
AS3586 JAMNET - University of the West Indies, JM 3,072 0
AS10292 CWJ-1 - Cable & Wireless Jamaica, JM 18,944 0
AS11580 ISLAND-NETWORKS-LTD - Island Networks Ltd, JM 2,304 0
AS22306 FISC-JM - eGov Jamaica Limited, JM 2,048 0
AS30689 FLOW-NET - FLOW, JM 176,128 536,870,912
AS33576 DIG001 - Digicel Jamaica, JM 23,552 4,294,967,296
AS40143 UTECH-JAMAICA - University of Technology, Jamaica, JM 256 0
AS40786 DIGI-GRP-JAM - Digicel Jamaica, JM 55,552 393,472
AS399567 HOMETIME-ASN1 - Hometime, JM 1,024 0
IPv4: 282880 | IPv6: 4832231680